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Assessment Panel of the Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care

The Assessment Panel (AP) examines and advises on the applications for the Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care (I&T Fund) and recommends the amount of grants.

Terms of Reference

  1. To examine the applications for and advise on the approval of the I&T Fund; and
  2. To advise on matters relating to the operation of the I&T Fund including reviewing and refining guidelines for assessing applications in the light of experience and changing circumstances and drawing up the Reference List of “Recognised Technology Application Products” for the reference of applicant organisations.


  1. Deputy Director of Social Welfare (Services), Social Welfare Department (SWD) (Chairperson)
  3. Dr Cao Yuan, Sally*
  4. Prof Chan Hon-wai, Felix, JP
  5. Mr Chan Yik-hei, Stark, BBS
  6. Mr Cheung Ho-ching, Alvin
  7. Dr Choi Yi-king, Loretta
  8. Mr Chu Ki-sum, Sam*
  9. Dr Hu Xiaoling
  10. Dr Leung Yee-man, Angela
  11. Dr Ling Hang-yin, Carrie
  12. Mr Alvin Miu
  13. Dr Ng Sin-wa, Serena
  14. Prof Tsoi Kam-fai, Kelvin 
  16. Representative from the Innovation and Technology Commission
  17. Representative from the Labour and Welfare Bureau
  18. Assistant Director (Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services), SWD
  19. Assistant Director (Elderly), SWD
  20. Chief Social Work Officer (Licensing & Regulation)1
  22. Senior Social Work Officer (Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services)6, SWD (Secretary)
  24. *(Joined through the Member Self-recommendation Scheme for Youth.)


Office︰Secretariat for Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care
Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services Branch
Room 502, 5/F
West Coast International Building,
290-296 Un Chau Street, Sham Shui Po,
Telephone︰3106 2852 / 3106 2846 / 3106 2876 / 3106 2870
Fax︰3188 2845
