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Staff Development and Training


To promote and enhance the continuous professional growth and development of staff throughout their career.


  • To organise training courses
  • To oversee an e-learning platform 「e-Learning Centre」and provide library services
  • To arrange fieldwork placements for social work students
  • To support operation of the "Social Work Training Fund"


  • Staff of Social Welfare Departments
  • Where appropriate and necessary
    • Staff of other Government Departments
    • Social welfare personnel of non-governmental organisations

Training Courses

List of training courses

  • To introduce the organisation structure, culture and work of the Department to new SWD staff
  • To prepare local social work students before they start field work placement in the Department

  • To equip staff new to certain fields of practice with specific skills and knowledge including family and child welfare services, medical social services, corrections services and social security services

  • To enhance professional growth, development and competence of SWD staff to meet new service requirements through organising different training courses, as well as arranging staff to participate in local / overseas training and seminars

Training Highlights

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Year 2022-23PDF

Services Highlights

  • Continued to organise training programmes for SWD staff of different grades to enhance work efficiency and service quality, including management and leadership training programmes for middle managers; induction courses for new recruits and induction training programmes for staff newly posted to respective service units.
  • Provided professional training to staff of individual grades, such as training programmes on knowledge and skills in case investigation and information verification for staff of social security service units, and a series of programmes for social work grade staff to enhance their professional knowledge and skills. 

