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Sample FSAs - Rehabilitation Services

Item / NameDownload File
Generic SectionsPDF
1. Additional Allocation to Social and Recreational Centre for the Disabled (S&RC), Additional Service in S&RC and Sign Language Interpretation Services attached to S&RC PDF 
2. Administration of the Support Programme for Employees with Disabilities PDF
3. Agency-based Clinical Psychological ServicePDF
4. Agency-based Clinical Psychological Service for Integrated Community Centre for Mental WellnessPDF
5. Agency-based Occupational Therapy Service PDF
6. Agency-based Peer Support Service in Community Psychiatric Service UnitsPDF
7. Agency-based Special Child Care Centre Service for Hearing Impaired Children PDF
8. Agency-based Speech Therapy Service for Ageing Persons with Disabilities in Residential Care Homes for Persons with DisabilitiesPDF
9. Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons PDF
10. Care and Attention Homes for the Aged Blind PDF
11. Commercial-hired Transport Service for People with Disabilities PDF
12. Communication and Information Service for Visually Impaired PersonsPDF
13. Community Rehabilitation Day CentrePDF
14. Community Rehabilitation Network PDF
15. Day Activity Centres PDF
16. Day Activity Centre and Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons PDF
17. Day Activity Centre cum Hostel PDF
18. Day Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities Attached to Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons PDF
19. Dementia Supplement for Elderly with Disabilities PDF
20. District Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities  PDF
21. District-based Speech Therapy Team for Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre PDF
22. Early Education & Training Centre PDF
23. Enhanced Professional Support to Social and Recreational Centres for the DisabledPDF
24. Extended Care Programme PDF
25. Extended Integrated Services to the Hearing Impaired At the Sub-base of Multi-service Centre for the DeafPDF
26. Extended Service in Rehabilitation and Training Centre for the Visually Impaired PDF
27. Factory for the Blind PDF
28. Halfway House PDF
29. Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities PDF
30. Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped  PDF
31. Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped  PDF
32. Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons PDF
33. Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons with Mental Handicap PDF
34. Infirmary Care Supplement for Aged Blind Persons PDF
35. Infirmary Units for Aged Blind Persons PDF
36. Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness PDF
37. Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre PDF
38. Integrated Rehabilitation Services Centre  PDF
39. Integrated Service for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Children In Small Group Home PDF
40. Integrated Support Service for Persons with Severe Physical Disabilities PDF
41. Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre PDF
42. Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre (with Special Provision for Commercial-hired Transport Service) PDF
43. Integrated Vocational Training Centre PDF
44. Integrated Vocational Training Centre (with residential service) PDF
45. Long Stay Care Home PDF
46. Multi-service Centre for Hearing Impaired PersonsPDF
47. Occasional Child Care Service for Disabled Children PDF
48. On the Job Training Programme for People with Disabilities PDF
49. On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS)PDF
50. Parents/Relatives Resource Centre (PRC)PDF
51. Parents/Relatives Resource Centre (PRC) for Ex-mentally Ill Persons (with Provision of Additional Service) PDF
52. Parents/Relatives Resource Centre (PRC) with Specialised Ethnic Minorities (EM) UnitPDF
53. Professional Outreaching Team for Private Residential Care Homes for Persons with DisabilitiesPDF
54. Professional Support Team to Parents/Relatives Resource Centre PDF
55. Rehabilitation and Training Centre for the Visually Impaired PDF
56. Residential Special Child Care Centre PDF
57. Residential Special Child Care Centre cum Early Education & Training Centre PDF
58. Residential Special Child Care Centre for Visually Impaired Children PDF
59. Sheltered Workshop PDF
60. Sheltered Workshop cum Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons PDF
61. Small Group Home for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Children [SGH(MMHC)] PDF
62. Social and Recreational Centres for the Disabled PDF
63. Social and Recreational Centres for the Disabled (with Provision of Additional Service)PDF
64. Social and Recreational Centres for the Disabled (with Provision of Additional Service and Sign Language Interpretation Services) PDF
65. Special Child Care Centre PDF
66. Special Child Care Centre cum Early Education & Training Centre PDF
67. Special Children Home for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Children PDF
68. Special Provision Programme for Autistic Children in Special Child Care Centre PDF
69. Sunnyway - On the Job Training Programme for Young People with Disabilities  PDF
70. Support Centre for Persons with AutismPDF
71. Supported Employment PDF
72. Supported Hostel PDF
73. Transitional Care and Support Centre for Tetraplegic PatientsPDF
74. Visiting Medical Practitioner SchemePDF
75. Work Extension ProgrammePDF
