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Co-ordinating Committee on Family and Child Welfare Services

Ms LAM Bun-ngee
District Social Welfare Officer (Central Western, Southern and Islands),
Social Welfare Department
Ms TSE Bik-san
Assistant District Social Welfare Officer (Central Western, Southern and Islands)1,
Social Welfare Department
Mr WONG Hoi-man, Joshua
Assistant District Social Welfare Officer (Central Western, Southern and Islands)2,
Social Welfare Department
Ms WONG Lai-har, Teresa
Assistant District Social Welfare Officer (Central Western, Southern and Islands)3,
Social Welfare Department
Ms WONG Man-si, Shirley
Senior Social Work Officer,
Family and Child Protective Services Unit (Central Western, Southern and Islands)
Ms CHOI Ming-kwan
Senior Clinical Psychologist,
Clinical Psychology Unit 3, Social Welfare Department
Ms. CHIU Wah-kuen, M.H.
Central and Western District Council Member
Ms LAM Yuk-chun, BBS, MH
Southern District Council Member
Mr LAU Chin-pang
Islands District Council Member
Ms LO Chi-yin, Maribel
School Development Officer,(Central, Western, Southern)41,
Education Bureau
Mr WONG Kin-fung, Jack
School Development Officer (Islands)12,
Education Bureau
Dr LEE Ying, Andrea
Senior Medical and Health Officer,
Department of Health
Mr LEUNG For-tat, Forster
Assistant Housing Manager / Tenancy (Hong Kong Island and Islands7)2,
Housing Department
Ms WONG Ka-yee
School Liaison Officer(Secondary),  
Police Community Relations Office, Central District, Hong Kong Police Force
Mr CHAN Ying-kit
School Liaison Officer,
Police Community Relations Office, Western District, Hong Kong Police Force
Ms LI Ka-chai, Denise
School Liaison Officer(Senior Inspector of Police),
Police Community Relations Office, Lantau District, Hong Kong Police Force
Dr WONG Nga-wing, Maria
Associate Consultant(Paediatrics),
Queen Mary Hospital
Ms HOU Lai-shan
Aberdeen St. Peter's Catholic Primary School
Ms Jenny LAU 
Federation of Parent-Teacher Assocations Islands District
Ms CHU Suet-han, Vicky
Centre Supervisor,
The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council
Mr CHAN Tin-wai
Centre Supervisor,
The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council Grace & Joy IFSC
Ms LEUNG Tsui-wan, Tracy
Service Director,
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services
Ms WONG Yuen-kee, Rufina
The Neighbourhood Advice Action Courcil Tung Chung Integrated Services Centre
Ms LAI Wing-Chee, Florence
Senior Social Work Supervisor,
Caritas Integrated Family Service -Aberdeen
Ms LAM Tsz-kei, Esther
Assistant Officer-in-charge,
Hong Kong Southern District Women's Association
Honorary President,
Hong Kong Central and Western District Women Association
Ms CHAU Chuen-heung, SBS, MH, JP
Chief Consultant & Honorary Director,
OIWA Limited
Ms TO Suet-lai
Service Supervisor,
The Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Reedfield Growth Centre
Ms LAU Wai-man, Judy
Director of Programme (School Social Work & School Support Services),
International Social Service Hong Kong Branch
Ms Cheong Ling-kwan
The Mother Superior of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd of Angers at Hong Kong, Maryvoce Centre
Ms Faye CHAN
Service Supervisor,
NAAC B Square Outreaching Team for Ethnic Minorities
Ms Lam Yin Shan, Jo
Senior Social Work Supervisor,
Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre
Ms LAU Suk-han, Rita
Care Teams Yat Tung Estate North
Ms AU Pui-yan, Esther
Social Work Officer 1,
Central Western, Southern and Islands District Planning and Co-ordinating Team
Social Welfare Department  
