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District Highlights 2020 - 21

Commendation Scheme for Carers 2020-21

  • Over the years, the Central Western, Southern and Islands District Co-ordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Services (“Co- ordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Services”) has endeavoured to promote the spirit of “Inclusiveness between Able-bodied and Disabled Persons” in the community and held the “Recognition Scheme for Carers of Persons with Disabilities” to recognise a group of carers who rendered care diligently and tirelessly during the rehabilitation process of the disabled.
  • In 2020, the Scheme was named the “Commendation Scheme for Carers 2020-21”. It emphasised the unfailing support of carers to the disabled during the unusually hard times of COVID-19. All these carers deserved recognition and the Scheme was received with enthusiasm. Out of 26 nominations from 22 rehabilitation services units, the Co-ordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Services chose to make a short film based on the story of a mother and son from the Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre. The short film was shown in the “2021 Central Western, Southern and Islands District Welfare Forum” on 26 February 2021 and in the meeting of the Co-ordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Services on 20 August 2021 so that stakeholders in the community and participants could have a chance to share the feelings of the carer.
  • The Scheme would be held by the Co-ordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Services on a continuous basis to recognise the effort and dedication of the carers on the one hand and to promote social inclusion and harmony in the community on the other.

“Angels in the Time of COVID-19” Short Film Contest

  • Despite the hardship during the COVID-19 epidemic, our volunteers never stopped serving the needy in the community.
  • To recognise the volunteers’ efforts and contribution during the epidemic, the Central Western, Southern and Islands District Co-ordinating Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service held a short film contest, namely “Angels in the Time of COVID- 19”, in November 2020, inviting volunteers from different organisations and service units to tell their stories through short videos. We received a total of 10 short films. The films captured countless touching moments, including a group of young people visiting and showing concern to elderly singletons and doubletons, and a middle-aged volunteer providing free tutoring to disadvantaged students amid the epidemic. Their stories and sharing encouraged people from all sectors to continue with their volunteering work and promoted the spirit of care and love in the community. The winner was shared with local stakeholders at the “2021 Central Western, Southern and Islands District Welfare Forum” on 26 February 2021.
  • Creative and impressive, the videos told different stories that share the message of hope and love during hard times.

Support Network for Needy Elders

  • Yat Tung Estate, which provides around 12 000 public rental housing units, is the largest public housing estate in Hong Kong. There are around 40 000 residents, 8% of which are elderly singletons and doubletons.
  • To prevent the infection of COVID-19, elders tended to stay at home. Well aware that these elders needed care and concern, the Central Western, Southern and Islands District Social Welfare Office had liaised with the Property Services Management Office and the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council Tung Chung Integrated Service Centre (the Centre) to launch the Caring Project for the elder residents in Yat Tung Estate. With the assistance of the Property Services Management Office, the elder residents were invited to visit the Centre with a view to encouraging them to participate in different activities and broadening their support network. In addition, social workers also grasped the opportunity to share with them various welfare services available in the community.
  • The Project received positive response from the elders. Not only did it spread the message of love and care for the elders, which was the objective of the campaign, it inspired a number of retirees to join the volunteer team in the community.
