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District Highlights 2021 - 22

Together, We Fight the Virus

  • Hong Kong was persistently affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the previous year, and fighting the virus became one of the most important tasks of the Social Welfare Department (SWD). In concert with the Government’s anti-pandemic efforts, the Central Western, Southern and Islands District Social Welfare Office (District Social Welfare Office) has helped people placed under quarantine in different facilities or their homes by delivering daily necessities and rendering counselling services since the outbreak of COVID-19. In addition, to build herd immunity through higher vaccination rates, the District Social Welfare Office, with full support from District Elderly Community Centres (DECCs) and Neighbourhood Elderly Centres (NECs) in the districts, collaborated with the Home Affairs Department and local organisations to launch and promote a one-stop service that combined vaccination talks and health consultation with on-site vaccination from September 2021 to February 2022, that successfully helped nearly 700 elders and people living in remote areas to get vaccinated.

District Collborative Projects - “We Together • Overcoming the Challenges”

  • Being fully aware of the financial and emotional hardship brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, the District Social Welfare Office endeavoured to support the residents in the district. In this connection, the District Social Welfare Office launched in 2021-22 the “District Collaborative Projects”, which, operating under the theme of “We Together • Overcoming The Challenges”, allocated funds to subvented service units in the districts for them to engage in cross-service and cross-sector collaboration with, among others, government departments, NGOs, local organisations, schools, religious groups and commercial organisations, etc.. It also encouraged these service units to get to know the locals and assess their needs, and organise programmes and activities designed with the characteristics and needs of the districts in mind, in order to achieve the goals of bringing harmony to families, supporting the youth and the underprivileged, and addressing the needs of individuals and families impacted by the pandemic.
  • The Projects were met with overwhelming response from the welfare service units in the districts. 28 projects were funded, involving 115 government departments, NGOs and local organisations. The Projects benefitted more than 8 400 service users, offering effective support to families and individuals impacted by the COVID-19. In 2022-23, the District Social Welfare Office will keep working diligently with other local stakeholders to help those in need, inject positive energy into the community, and overcome the adversity together.

Gathering Local Forces, “Walking with Angels”

  • To recognise the dedication of carers of persons with disabilities and the contributions of volunteers during the hard times brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, the District Social Welfare Office, in collaboration with the Central Western, Southern and Islands District Co-ordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Services and Central Western, Southern and Islands District Co-ordinating Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service, held the “Walk with Angels” Joint Awards Ceremony in December 2021. Apart from presenting awards to outstanding “District Collaboration Projects”, the organisers commended 29 carers nominated by different rehabilitation service units under the “Loving Minds Amid Thorns Commendation Scheme for Carers”, and awarded more than 2 000 certificates of commendation to volunteers participating in the “Volunteer Recognition Programme” who made a huge effort to serve the needy in the community. At the ceremony, the commended carers were invited to share their experiences and have heart-to-heart talks with family members of persons with disabilities, while experienced volunteers advocated the spirit of care and inclusion in the community by sharing with the attendees how participating in volunteer services had enhanced their personal growth and brought them joy.
  • In the past year, despite the raging pandemic, the community continued to be filled with love and hope thanks to the joint efforts of different sectors and individuals. The “Walk with Angels” Joint Awards Ceremony 2021 marked the end of a fruitful year of volunteering and the start of new endeavours in the future.

