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Population Profile of Central and Western District

Population Profile

Reference Year2016 (1)2021 (2)2023 (3)
District Population (4)243 266 (3.3% of Hong Kong Population)235 953 (3.2% of Hong Kong Population)232 500 (3.1% of Hong Kong Population)

Age Profile(4)

2016(1)2021 (2)2023 (3)
 0 - 47 535 (3.1% of District Population)0 - 47 583 (3.2% of District Population)0 - 1423 700 (10.2% of District Population)
 5 - 98 494 (3.5% of District Population) 5 - 98 607 (3.6% of District Population)
 10 - 147 626 (3.1% of District Population) 10 - 148 192 (3.5% of District Population)
 15 - 1910 688 (4.4% of District Population)15 - 196 989 (3.0% of District Population)15 - 2419 600 (8.4% of District Population)
 20 - 2415 973 (6.6% of District Population)20 - 249 790 (4.1% of District Population)
 25 - 2918 545 (7.6% of District Population)25 - 2915 723 (6.7% of District Population)25 - 3433 600 (14.4% of District Population)
 30 - 3419 558 (8.0% of District Population)30 - 3419 804 (8.4% of District Population)
 35 - 3918 766 (7.7% of District Population)35 - 3921 933 (9.3% of District Population)35 - 4440 600 (17.5% of District Population)
 40 - 4418 656 (7.7% of District Population)40 - 4420 307 (8.6% of District Population)
 45 - 4918 998 (7.8% of District Population)45 - 4918 861 (8.0% of District Population)45 - 5434 600 (14.9% of District Population)
 50 - 5422 792 (9.4% of District Population)50 - 5417 938 (7.6% of District Population)
 55 - 5921 175 (8.7% of District Population)55 - 5918 272(7.7% of District Population)55 - 6434 000 (14.6% of District Population)
 60 - 6415 612 (6.4% of District Population)60 - 6416 463(7.0% of District Population)
 65 - 6913 163 (5.4% of District Population)65 - 6914 513(6.2% of District Population)≥ 6546 400 (20.0% of District Population)
 70 - 746 864 (2.8% of District Population)70 - 7411 693 (5.0% of District Population)
 ≥ 7518 821 (7.7% of District Population)≥ 7519 285 (8.2% of District Population)

Sex Profile(4)

 2016(1)2021 (2)2023 (3)
 Male108 695 (44.7% of District Population)98 282 (41.7% of District Population)97 700 (42.0% of District Population)
 Female134 571 (55.3% of District Population)137 671 (58.3% of District Population)134 800 (58.0% of District Population)
Population of Single Parents(5)1 175 (1.6% of Single Parents in Hong Kong)1 457 (2.0% of Single Parents in Hong Kong) N.A.
Population of Persons from the Mainland Having Resided in Hong Kong for Less than 7 Years (PMRs)(6)3 610 (2.2% of PMRs in Hong Kong)3 276 (2.4% of PMRs in Hong Kong) N.A.
Population of Ethnic Minorities(7)8.5% of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong  (20.3% of District Population)8.5% of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong  (22.2% of District Population)N.A.


(1)    2016 Population By-Census, Census and Statistics Department                
(2)    2021 Population Census, Census and Statistics Department                
(3)    Population and Household Statistics Analysed by District Council District 2023, Census and Statistics Department        
(4)    Basic Tables for District Council Districts, Census and Statistics Department        
(5)    2016 Population By-Census and 2021 Population Census: Thematic Report – Single Parents, Census and Statistics Department    
(6)    2016 Population By-Census and 2021 Population Census: Thematic Report – Persons from the Mainland Having Resided in Hong Kong for Less than 7 Years, Census and Statistics Department
(7)    2016 Population By-Census and 2021 Population Census: Thematic Report – Ethnic Minorities, Census and Statistics Department
Note :                    

  • The above are the most updated reports so far released by the Census and Statistics Department.
  • Owing to rounding, there may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total as shown in the table.    
