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Population Profile of Islands District

Population Profile

Reference Year2016 (1)2021 (2)2023 (3)
District Population (4)156 801   (2.1% of Hong Kong Population)185 282   (2.5% of Hong Kong Population)195 700   (2.6% of Hong Kong Population)

Age Profile(4)

2016(1)2021 (2)2023 (3)
0 - 46 948 (4.4% of District Population)0 - 46 977   (3.8% of District Population)0 - 1425 000   (12.8% of District Population)
 5 - 96 141 (3.9% of District Population)5 - 98 622   (4.7% of District Population)
 10 - 145 078 (3.2% of District Population)10 - 148 168   (4.4% of District Population)
 15 - 196 995 (4.5% of District Population)15 - 197 592   (4.1% of District Population)15 - 2420 200   (10.3% of District Population)
 20 - 249 025 (5.8% of District Population)20 - 249 216   (5.0% of District Population)
 25 - 2911 763 (7.5% of District Population)25 - 2912 067   (6.5% of District Population)25 - 3428 600   (14.6% of District Population)
 30 - 3413 437 (8.6% of District Population)30 - 3414 877   (8.0% of District Population)
 35 - 3913 179 (8.4% of District Population)35 - 3916 252   (8.8% of District Population)35 - 4432 600   (16.7% of District Population)
 40 - 4412 087 (7.7% of District Population)40 - 4415 464   (8.3% of District Population)
 45 - 4911 117 (7.1% of District Population)45 - 4914 953   (8.1% of District Population)45 - 5429 200   (14.9% of District Population)
 50 - 5412 606 (8.0% of District Population)50 - 5414 370   (7.8% of District Population)
 55 - 5913 208 (8.4% of District Population)55 - 5915 592   (8.4% of District Population)55 - 6430 400   (15.5% of District Population)
 60 - 6410 718 (6.8% of District Population)60 - 6413 836   (7.5% of District Population)
 65 - 698 732 (5.6% of District Population)65 - 6910 149   (5.5% of District Population)≥ 6529 700   (15.2% of District Population)
 70 - 745 078 (3.2% of District Population)70 - 747 376   (4.0% of District Population)
 ≥ 7510 689 (6.8% of District Population)≥ 759 771   (5.3% of District Population)

Sex Profile(4)

 2016(1)2021 (2)2023 (3)
Male73 525 (46.9% of District Population)84 985   (45.9% of District Population)89 100   (45.5% of District Population)
Female83 276 (53.1% of District Population)100 297   (54.1% of District Population)106 600   (54.5% of District Population)
Population of Single Parents(5)1 395 (1.9% of Single Parents in Hong Kong)2 139   (3.0% of Single Parents in Hong Kong) N.A.
Population of Persons from the Mainland Having Resided in Hong Kong for Less than 7 Years (PMRs)(6)1 577 (1.0% of PMRs in Hong Kong)3 363   (2.5% of PMRs in Hong Kong) N.A.
Population of Ethnic Minorities(7)5.9% of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong  (22.1% of District Population)6.5% of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong  (21.9% of District Population)N.A.


(1)    2016 Population By-Census, Census and Statistics Department                
(2)    2021 Population Census, Census and Statistics Department                
(3)    Population and Household Statistics Analysed by District Council District 2023, Census and Statistics Department        
(4)    Basic Tables for District Council Districts, Census and Statistics Department        
(5)    2016 Population By-Census and 2021 Population Census: Thematic Report – Single Parents, Census and Statistics Department    
(6)    2016 Population By-Census and 2021 Population Census: Thematic Report – Persons from the Mainland Having Resided in Hong Kong for Less than 7 Years, Census and Statistics Department
(7)    2016 Population By-Census and 2021 Population Census: Thematic Report – Ethnic Minorities, Census and Statistics Department
Note :                    

  • The above are the most updated reports so far released by the Census and Statistics Department.        
  • Owing to rounding, there may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total as shown in the table.    
