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Roles and Functions of District Social Welfare Officers

Currently, the Social Welfare Department is serving the territory through 11 District Social Welfare Offices, each headed by a District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO). The roles and functions of DSWOs include the following:

  • Planning welfare services on a district basis to meet local community needs;
  • Collaborating with District Councils, related Government departments and district organizations to facilitate the implementation of social welfare policies in the district;
  • Coordinating with non-government organizations (NGOs) in the district in respect of delivery of services in meeting the welfare needs of the local community;
  • Establishing a proactive social outreaching network in the district to assist the needy and the disadvantaged;
  • Advocating the building of a caring community and encouraging participation of local people to help those in need through promoting volunteer service in the district;
  • Administering and coordinating the operation of the departmental service units in the district.
