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Annual District Highlights

District Highlights 2022-23

Strengthening the Support to Carers, Caring the Needs of Elderly Persons, Persons with Dementia and People with Disabilities

  • The Eastern and Wan Chai District Social Welfare Office (District Social Welfare Office) endeavoured to strengthen the support for carers of elderly persons and persons with disabilities (PWDs) to promote their well-being.  In collaboration with district elderly centres, Carer Hubs were established in all 7 Integrated Family Service Centres (IFSCs) in the district to provide a mutual help platform for carers at designated times and venues.  “Recognition Ceremony for Carers of Persons with Disabilities 2022” was organised in November 2022 to honour the contributions of 33 carers of PWDs.


  • The District Social Welfare Office collaborated closely with elderly centres and IFSCs in the district to promote the “Dementia Friendly Community Campaign,” which included Dementia Friendly Information Sessions, a movie screening and “Dementia Friendly Community Campaign” WhatsApp Stickers Design Competition to cultivate a dementia friendly community.  The District Social Welfare Office continued to coordinate the elderly centres to provide training to property management personnel, with a view to identifying and assisting needy elderly persons with potential service needs through the implementation of the Support for Carers Project.  As at end March 2023, more than 1 600 frontline staff from over 132 property management companies/owners’ corporations completed the training.


Promoting Physical and Mental Wellness, Strenthening Family Relationship and Functioning

  • The “Caring Neighbourhood Sponsorship Scheme 2022” under the District Social Welfare Office supported 43 projects which provided opportunities for welfare services units and district stakeholders to organise programmes that fostered social integration and established new norms during the pandemic. 


  • The District Social Welfare Office continued its efforts to promote family harmony and child protection by working closely with local stakeholders.  462 groups and programmes aimed at improving family functioning and encouraging social inclusion were organised for over 12 200 participants in 2022-23, including a cruise programme called “Happy Family Victoria Harbour Tour” in July 2022.  About 200 participants from underprivileged families in the district enjoyed the scenic view of Victoria Harbour during the cruise while being encouraged to spend more quality time together with a view to strengthening family functioning to prevent domestic violence.


Paying Attention to the Physical and Mental Health and Holistic Development of Young People and Promoting Cross-service Collabration

In collaborating with over 10 service units focused on the mental health and drug-free living of young people, the District Social Welfare Office continued to organise a series of school promotion programmes for students on positive psychology and workshop for enhancing the sensitivity and skills of teachers to facilitate early identification and intervention for students with emotional needs.  These programmes reached a total of over 2 500 students and over 180 school personnel from 10 primary and 4 secondary schools.  The District Social Welfare Office continued to implement a job shadowing project aimed at expanding young people’s exposure in career planning and development.  More than 30 secondary school students participated in orientation and visitation activities, which provided them with experiential opportunities to serve elderly persons and PWDs in residential homes.

