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Population Profile of Kwun Tong District

Population Profile

Reference Year2016(1)2021(3)2022(3)
District Population(4)648 541 (8.8% of Hong Kong Population)673 166 (9.1% of Hong Kong Population)663 600 (9.1% of Hong Kong Population)

Age Profile(4)

0 - 424 651 (3.8% of District Population)0 - 417 164 (2.5% of District Population)0 - 1466 500 (10.0% of District Population)
5 - 925 790 (4.0% of District Population)5 - 924 603 (3.7% of District Population)
10 - 1424 085 (3.7% of District Population)10 - 1428 296 (4.2% of District Population)
15 - 1929 994 (4.6% of District Population)15 - 1927 721 (4.1% of District Population)15 - 2458 200 (8.8% of District Population)
20 - 2439 275 (6.1% of District Population)20 - 2432 600 (4.8% of District Population)
25 - 2944 079 (6.8% of District Population)25 - 2940 224 (6.0% of District Population)25 - 3480 300 (12.1% of District Population)
30 - 3450 596 (7.8% of District Population)30 - 3440 820 (6.1% of District Population)
35 - 3949 574 (7.6% of District Population)35 - 3945 154 (6.7% of District Population)35 - 4491 100 (13.7% of District Population)
40 - 4448 040 (7.4% of District Population)40 - 4448 140 (7.2% of District Population)
45 - 4947 895 (7.4% of District Population)45 - 4953 657 (8.0% of District Population)45 - 54106 600 (16.1% of District Population)
50 - 5454 418 (8.4% of District Population)50 - 5454 822 (8.1% of District Population)
55 - 5954 456 (8.4% of District Population)55 - 5958 369 (8.7% of District Population)55 - 64112 200 (16.9% of District Population)
60 - 6444 429 (6.9% of District Population)60 - 6453 855 (8.0% of District Population)
65 - 6934 925 (5.4% of District Population)65 - 6944 940 (6.7% of District Population)≥ 65148 800 (22.4% of District Population)
70 - 7420 972 (3.2% of District Population)70 - 7436 541 (5.4% of District Population)
≥ 7555 362 (8.5% of District Population)≥ 7566 260 (9.8% of District Population)

Sex Profile(4)

Male301 929 (46.6% of District Population)312 303 (46.4% of District Population)307 400 (46.3% of District Population)
Female346 612 (53.4% of District Population)360 863 (53.6% of District Population)356 200 (53.7% of District Population)
Population of Single Parents(5)7 910 (10.8% of Single Parents in Hong Kong)8 077 (11.2% of Single Parents in Hong Kong)N.A. 
Population of Persons from the Mainland Having Resided in Hong Kong for Less than 7 Years (PMRs) (6)17 901 (10.8% of  PMRs in Hong Kong)13 208 (9.8% of PMRs in Hong Kong)N.A.
Population of Ethnic Minorities (7)4.3% of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong (3.9% of District Population)4.3% of Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong (4.0% of District Population)N.A.


  1. 2016 Population By-Census, Census and Statistics Department
  2. 2021 Population Census, Census and Statistics Department
  3. Population and Household Statistics Analysed by District Council District 2022, Census and Statistics Department
  4. Basic Tables for District Council Districts, Census and Statistics Department
  5. 2016 Population By-Census and 2021 Population Census : Thematic Report - Single Parents, Census and Statistics Department
  6. 2016 Population By-Census and 2021 Population Census : Thematic Report - Persons from the Mainland Having Resided in Hong Kong for Less than 7 Years, Census and Statistics Department
  7. 2016 Population By-Census and 2021 Population Census : Thematic Report - Ethnic Minorities, Census and Statistics Department


  • The above are the most updated reports so far released by the Census and Statistics Department.
  • Owing to rounding, there may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total as shown in the table.
