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District Highlights 2020-21

Promote Mental Wellness and Care Among Heighbourhoods Amid the Epidemic

Our Neighbourhoods @ Kwun Tong (共里一起@觀塘)

  • In view of the impact of the epidemic on the public’s mental health, the Kwun Tong District Social Welfare Office (District Social Welfare Office), in collaboration with 25 social welfare units of different service natures in the district, set up 6 individual working groups in 6 small localities to implement a highlight project “Our Neighbourhoods @ Kwun Tong.”  It aimed at enhancing the mental health of residents, particularly those from underprivileged groups, and promoting care and support among neighborhoods.
  • A series of in-person and online activities were conducted, including a large-scale workshop with sharing from a CP and a rehabilitated person, online Christmas carnival, online stress relief activities such as Zentangle and Pastel Nagomi Art, as well as caring visits and phone calls to the needy, etc.  In addition, there were a variety of promotional activities, such as an inspirational music video and a short clip on anti-epidemic tips posted on social media, bus body advertisement, and production of various kinds of gifts co-designed by service users to instill positivity into the community.
  • The project successfully joined hand with the business sector to donate 1 200 gift packs to underprivileged groups.
  • The number of beneficiaries reached over 5 000.  The participants passed positive feedbacks towards the programmes and commented that the activities helped to relieve stress and raise their awareness of mental health with love and support in the community.

Provide Support to Elders and Persons with Disabilities and Their Carers

During the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, many elders, PWDs and their carers were home-bound and lacked social support.  The District Social Welfare Office provided funding for NGOs to run 6 district support programmes with the aim to strengthen support for elders, PWDs and their carers, and to relieve their stress.  Online activities, workshops, volunteer visits, telephone contacts and in-kind assistance were launched.
  • “Happy Tumbler” (快樂「不倒翁」疫有轉「肌」計劃) aimed at promoting regular physical activities and healthy eating habits among the elders and their carers, so as to enhance their daily functioning and self-care ability.  The participants were helped to maintain their muscle strength and endurance through various workshops and physical trainings.  Meanwhile, food packs to enhance muscle-building designed by students from School of Nursing, Hong Kong University were distributed to the elderly in volunteer visits.
  • “Fighting the Pandemic” (「抗疫護航」計劃) and “Protecting our Elderly and Overcoming Adversity ” (「與您護老˙『疫』」境自強) provided carers with caring knowledge and stress coping skills via online platforms.  Regular telephone contacts were made to show emotional support to the elders and their carers and to provide assistance when needed.
  • “Companionship ” (「友伴同行」) and “Happy Gathering” (「同樂聚」) helped to promote the physical and psychological well-being of PWDs and their carers through volunteer visits and recreational activities.  With a series of community education to promote social inclusion, the public were able to have a better understanding of rehabilitation services.
  • “Injecting Hope” (「『疫』有希望」精神健康計劃) aimed at promoting the mental wellness of Kwun Tong residents as well as providing support to ex-mentally ill persons and their families during the epidemic.  By introducing information and videos about positive mental health via online social platform, the residents could better take care of their emotional well-being and build resilience in times of the epidemic.
  • The 6 programmes served about 3 300 elders, PWDs and their carers in the community.  The videos and information promoting mental health received over 97 000 views online.

Support Young People on Career Planning and Youth at Risk with Addictive Behaviours through Cross-sectoral Collaboration

“Prospect Spot @ Kwun Tong” (理想點@觀塘)
  • With a view to assisting young people, particularly those from underprivileged groups, in making good preparation and planning for future career progression, the District Social Welfare Office, together with 15 youth service units in the district and the Kwun Tong Schools Liaison Committee, launched a joint youth project, namely “Prospect Spot @ Kwun Tong,” under the theme of career planning.
  • The project successfully conducted a series of activities/programmes, both in-person and online, including (a) career assessment such as personality test, grooming guidance and mock interviews; (b) sharing by people working in different industries that the participants showed interest in, such as photographers, music producers, and baristas; (c) experiential job tasting at a special child care centre, a physiotherapy centre, an art gallery, etc. as well as job tasting under the epidemic by leading an online guided tour.
  • Aiming to educate more young people about career planning, “Prospect Spot @ Kwun Tong” developed a dedicated webpage with information on different kinds of personality assessment tools and produced 3 short videos casted by young people to introduce points-to-note when joining the workforce, interview tips as well as job requirements of different industries (such as being a Key Opinion Leader or bus driver), etc.
  • The project benefitted a total number of about 1 800 young people and 100 parents with positive feedback received.  The participants commented that the project was able to enhance their understanding of workplaces, inspire them to work on career planning, enhance self-understanding, as well as helping them develop their competencies and overcome weaknesses.
“Carrying Love and Dreams Together” (承載愛與夢共行)
  • In response to the needs of youth at risk with addictive behaviours, another joint youth project, namely “Carrying Love and Dreams Together,” was implemented under the District Social Welfare Office’s liaison with the Kwun Tong Outreaching Service Committee, which comprised 14 youth services units in the district.
  • The project aimed at rebuilding participants’ relationships with their families/community by accomplishing their individual learning plans.  For example, after learning photography, a participant showcased his achievement to his family members and friends via a small-scale photo exhibition.  In addition, online concerts were organised to reach out to young people with addictive behaviours to introduce welfare services and deliver the message of support.  In conclusion, the project intensively served more than 20 youths at risk.  Positive feedbacks were received including the enhancement of participants’ connection with family members/the community and improvement in interpersonal relationships.
