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Co-ordinating Committee on Elderly Service

NamePost / Organization
Ms FUNG Shuk-man, Wendy (Chairperson)District Social Welfare Officer (Sha Tin) / Social Welfare Department
Ms Amy TONGAssistant District Social Welfare Officer (Sha Tin) 2 / Social Welfare Department
Ms WAN Yee Man, FionAssistant District Social Welfare Officer (Yuen Long)2/ Standardized Care Need Assessment Management Office (Elderly Services) (New Territories East) / Social Welfare Department
Ms LAU Suk-hanSocial Work Officer / Medical Social Services Unit/ Prince of Wales Hospital/ Social Welfare Department
Mr AU Chi-on, PaulDistrict Council Member / Sha Tin District Council
Dr. Maria LEUNGService Director (Primary & Community Health Care) / New Territories East Cluster/ Hospital Authority
Mr NG Wing-keung, HenrySenior Liaison Officer(North) / Sha Tin District Office / Home Affairs Department
Mr WONG Man-honAssistant Housing Manager / Wo Che Estate Office(1) / Housing Department
Ms LEE FongNursing Officer / Sha Tin District Visiting Health Team / Elderly Health Service / Department of Health
Ms Connie CHUChief Operation Officer / Helping Hand
Ms Doris YUHead of Elderly Services / Caritas - Hong Kong
Ms Lucia WONGDistrict Coordinator (New Territories East) / Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Mr Alan TANGService Director (Elderly Service) / Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service - Hong Kong
Miss WONG Ngan-chung, JoeService Head (Community Support and Care Services for the Elderly) / Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service
Ms Sammi TAIManager (Social Services) / Yan Oi Tong Social Service Division
Ms HUNG Wai-man, VivianService Director (Group 1) / The Hong Kong Society for the Aged
Ms CHOW Kit-sumService Director / Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service, LC-HKS 
Mr CHAN Yat Assistant Chief Officer / The Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod Social Service Department
Mr Francis AUService Supervisor / The Salvation Army New Territories Integrated Residential Service for Senior Citizens
Mr LEE Yick-yungSuperintendent / Ho Shing Home for the Elderly (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
Ms Cathy WONGSupervisor / Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Yan Chun Day Care Centre for the Elderly and Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui St Paul's Home for the Elderly
Ms CHUNG Kam-luenCentre-in-charge / Yan Chai Hospital Wan Shing Memorial Day Care Centre for the Elderly
Ms SIU On-yeeService-in-charge / Hong Kong Children & Youth Services Shatin Integrated Home Care Services Centre
Ms Melody CHANCentre Manager / The Mission Covenant Church Yiu On Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
Ms KWAN Ka-lee, CarrieCentre Supervisor / The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council Ma On Shan Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
Pastor HO Siu-kamCentre-in-charge / New Life Church of Christ Sun Tin Wai Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
Ms Iris LAUCentre-in-charge / International Church of the Foursquare Gospel Lung Hang Church Elderly Centre
Ms Florence HO    General Manager / Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing
Mr CHAN Ka-ming, DannyExecutive /The Elderly Services Association of Hong Kong 
Ms HUI Lai-chun Service User Representative / The Mission Covenant Church Yiu On Neighbourhood Elderly Centre
