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District Highlights 2020-21

Strengthening Support for Families and Enhancing Family Resilience

  • The Tuen Mun District Social Welfare Office (District Social Welfare Office) has been implementing the “Good Family Academy” Project, which aims at strengthening family values, enhancing family relationship and promoting child-focused parental responsibility as well as the messages of “positive thinking” and “living with a positive attitude” in the district through various kinds of activities. The Project was jointly launched by the District Social Welfare Office, 3 Integrated Family Service Centres of the Department and 14 welfare units of NGOs in the district. In 2020-21, the main theme of the Project was “Love Our Family, Build Heart-to-heart Connection”. More than 80 activities, including lectures, groups, workshops and family activities were organised, with about 1 000 attendances. To enhance the cohesiveness of the participants, consolidate the theme messages, recognise their active participation and compliment their achievement, a closing cum award presentation ceremony is usually held in July every year.

Strengthening Support for Elders and Promoting Age-Friendliness

  • The 2 working groups under the Tuen Mun District Co-ordinating Committee on Elderly Services continued to implement a series of community support activities to address the needs of elderly persons in different stages of life. In 2020-21, the “Working Group on Promotion of the Well-being of Third Age Citizens” actively promoted services for third age citizens. “Life Planning Online Sharing Sessions” with the themes of financial management after retirement and re-employment for elderly persons were organised, attracting over 200 participants. Besides, a recap video was produced in which outstanding third age citizens (Happy KOL) talked about their happy livelihood and community services rendered during the epidemic, with a view to promoting a positive attitude and the spirit of mutual help among the public in the community. With the aim of promoting a dementia-friendly community for frail elderly persons and their carers, the “Working Group on Dementia Friendly and Carer Support” organised a series of online programmes that enabled 176 participants to enhance their understanding of the elderly services available in the district while staying at home during the epidemic. In addition, a sponsorship programme for mobile network data was held to support the carers’ spending on network data to facilitate them to seek assistance continuously through the online programmes of elderly centres. The working group also regularly publishes booklets to promote carers’ services and support information among residents in the district for enhancing their knowledge so that they can provide appropriate care and support when encountering needy elders or carers.

Promoting Social Inclusion in the Community and Strengthening Support for the Disabled and Their Carers

  • The “Task Group on Support for the Carers” under the “Working Group on Promotion of Rehabilitation Services” of the Tuen Mun District Co-ordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Services published the Tuen Mun District Carer Resources Booklet (Rehabilitation Services) under the theme of “Love Yourself.Be Joyful” and distributed it together with handmade soaps produced by persons with disabilities to persons awaiting adult rehabilitation services and their families to provide them with information on community support services and promote positive messages. It was also hoped that hidden families and their carers could be identified in the process so that they can be provided with appropriate support services. Besides, the “Task Group on Promotion of Social Inclusion” also produced a booklet to showcase the talents of persons with disabilities and share their life stories during the epidemic for the community to understand them in a positive light.

Supporting the Disadvantaged to Fight the Virus

  • Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the District Social Welfare Office has been collaborating closely with community stakeholders, other government departments and local organisations to provide delivery service of food and daily necessities to people under home quarantine. Besides, assistance from different social welfare agencies in the district was obtained to distribute items, including face masks, hand sanitiser, food packs, etc. donated by the private sector , local organisations and the Home Affairs Department to needy families as well as disadvantaged groups in the district to provide them with material support to alleviate their difficulties arising from the epidemic.
