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District Highlights 2021-22

Strengthening Support for Families and Enhancing Family Resilience

  • The Tuen Mun District Social Welfare Office (District Social Welfare Office) implemented the “Good Family Academy” Project to strengthen family values and enhance family relationships by promoting child-focused parental responsibilities as well as positive thinking and living with a positive attitude in the district through various kinds of activities. The project was launched in collaboration with three Integrated Family Service Centres and 14 social welfare service units of NGOs in the district. In 2021-22, more than 80 activities, including seminars, groups, workshops and family activities were organised under the theme of “Ups and Downs, We Walk Together” for about 800 participants. The Academy organised the “25th Anniversary of the Establishment of HKSAR Coaster Design Competition” for residents in Tuen Mun from February to March 2022 to celebrate the occassion. The Award Presentation and Closing Ceremony of Good Family Academy was held in July 2022 to honour and award the participants for their active participation in the project.

Promoting Mutual Care and Social Inclusion in the Community and Promoting Positive Energy in Adversity

  • To support carers and families of persons with disabilities (PWDs), the Task Group on Supporting the Carers under the Tuen Mun District Co-ordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Services collaborated with the Mobile Van for Publicity Service on Mental Wellness and different rehabilitation service units in the district to set up service promotional booths under the themes “Love Yourself ‧ Joyful” and “Carers! We Back You Up!”. Resource kits and gifts handmade by PWDs were distributed at the booths to promote positive thinking and physical and mental wellness, and reach out to hidden families and carers in the district to provide them with appropriate assistance. Moreover, the Task Group on Promotion of Social Inclusion produced three videos under the theme of “Sharing Happiness”, with a view to showcasing the talents of PWDs to the public and promoting the message of building a caring and inclusive society.

Strengthening Support for Elders and Promoting Age-Friendliness

  • The two working groups under the Tuen Mun District Co-ordinating Committee on Elderly Services continued to implement a series of community support programmes to address the needs of elderly persons in different stages of life. In 2021-22, the Working Group on Promotion of the Well-being of Third Age Citizens actively promoted services for third age citizens. To establish a positive image of the elderly, the working group launched the “Tuen Mun Got Talent” Promotion Project to uncover the talents of the young old through a series of thematic activities. The working group also produced a series of products for 75 social services units as well as elders and PWDs living in the community to promote social inclusion and mutual help in the community. The Working Group on Dementia Friendly and Carer Support, on the other hand, launched the “We Care” Carer Support Project to build a dementia-friendly community for frail elderly persons and their carers through a medical-social collaboration model. A series of programmes was organised to provide carers with assistance in four major areas, namely medicine, food, accommodation and transportation. In addition, the project introduced carers to gerontechnology by organising visits and online seminars. Carers were also encouraged to employ this technology to improve the quality of life of persons with dementia while relieving their own stress. Besides, the working group published booklets in a quarterly basis to promote support services and provide useful information to help local residents offer their assistance to needy elders or carers when the need arises.

Encouraging Continuous Volunteer Services Amid the Epidemic and Honouring Volunteers

  • The Tuen Mun District Coordinating Committee on Promotion of Volunteer Service has been encouraging volunteers to serve in the spirit of “life influencing life” through familial, intergenerational and continuous participation with a view to fostering a caring community. To recognise the contributions of volunteers committing themselves to volunteer services despite the ongoing pandemic, the Committee held the “Tuen Mun Volunteers Award Presentation Ceremony 2021” in February 2022. Over 300 nominated volunteers were each awarded a certificate of commendation and a gift pack. Mr Dick LO and the music-loving couple Amy & Gordon, who were known for their enthusiasm in voluntary services, as well as representatives of the two volunteer teams receiving commendation, were invited to share their volunteering experiences with the participants.

