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Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference

The Wong Tai Sin / Sai Kung District Welfare Strategic Development Committee (The Committee) is a district welfare co-ordination mechanism focuses mainly on supporting District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO) in prioritizing service needs and formulation of overall district welfare strategies and planning. The Committee will not be directly involved in organizing district activities and programmes. Its major roles and functions are to support and advise the DSWO in respect of:

  • identifying and prioritizing district welfare needs and district-specific issues and addressing district-wide welfare-related issues requiring cross-sector and cross-service intervention strategies;
  • developing overall strategies and district welfare plan and promoting the well-being of the district having regard to the needs and priorities formulated; and
  • promoting cross-sector and cross-service collaboration in the district and enhancing the interface between different service delivery systems in the district.

Term of Appointment
Two years.

Frequency of Meeting
The Committee will meet about two times each year to tie in with the district welfare planning cycle.

The Committee will be chaired by DSWO with members invited from various sectors in the district. As the Committee will deal with overall district welfare and cross-service issues, representatives of more senior level from their organizations, such as agency head or service co-ordinators of NGOs, will be preferred.

The Social Work Officer of Wong Tai Sin / Sai Kung District Planning and Coordinating Team of Social Welfare Department will perform the secretarial role.
