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Annual District Highlights

District Highlights 2022-23


  • The Wong Tai Sin and Sai Kung District Social Welfare Office (District Social Welfare Office) and over 30 local stakeholders implemented the “Happy Living in the Community” project to promote positive psychology in the community, with 8 500 students from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools joining the “Happy Children” and “Happy Ambassadors” programmes, 1 300 people attending public education talks, 561 people joining training workshops, 1 500 people joining online educational and promotional activities, and 770 people experiencing sports to learn the “Five Keys to Happiness”.  The project also conducted a survey on the happiness index of higher primary school students in Sai Kung, which serves as a reference in promoting student mental health. An online seminar “Online Peer – Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse” was also organised for 170 frontline workers and community members.
  • A consortium with 10 youth service units in Wong Tai Sin implemented a 2-year project called “We CLAP”, which combined expressive art and the Career Life Development model of CLAP@JC to foster positive youth development.  In Sai Kung, 11 youth service units under the Youth Service Collaborative Platform implemented a project called “Youth Maker 4.0”, with 68 youths forming 14 teams to undergo mentorship programmes with YouTubers and production of YouTube video clips, aiming at career exploration among youths.  Fourteen youth service units also implemented the Sports Funding Programme to promote sports for 580 participants.
  • District Social Welfare Office subsidised elderly centres to organise 6 cluster-based service projects for elders with dementia and their carers, and activities such as setting up publicity booths targeting carers in wet markets of public housing estates, organising Dementia Friends gatherings in old-school Hong Kong tea restaurants, fairs showcasing elderly care and cognitive products etc., which benefitted 420 carers and 207 elders with dementia.  Besides, District Social Welfare Office collaborated with 10 rehabilitation service units to organise the “Diversity Art Moves” inclusive programme to encourage art and sport activities among people with disabilities, with the programme highlights showcased in a calendar notebook to promote public awareness on the talents of people with disabilities.  District Social Welfare Office also partnered with 4 Early Education and Training Centres and 7 Integrated Family Service Centres (IFSCs) to organise the “Stand by Me” - SEN Family Community Support Programme providing parent-child activities and mutual support for 274 children with special needs, their parents and underprivileged families.


  • District Social Welfare Office collaborated with an NGO and a hospital to organise a project to promote health education and self-management of health under medical-social collaboration, to have dietitian and advanced practice nurses in cardiology giving a seminar to 86 frontline workers of elderly service units, talks to 311 elders regarding insomnia, joint pain, common foot problems, and with check-ups for osteoporosis and podiatric problems.  Besides, 170 elders were trained as Health Ambassadors and Digital Ambassadors to conduct 360 concern visits and phone calls to frail and low-motivated elders. Moreover, the “Referral Mechanism of Health and Emotion Support Service for Children and Adolescents”, established in 2016, had identified and referred 360 children and adolescents in need of treatment.  District Social Welfare Office also collaborated with Wong Tai Sin Police Station and Tseung Kwan O Police Station to organise 2 sharing sessions on handling mentally incapacitated persons for IFSCs and rehabilitation service units to visit facilities in the police stations, including the report room, one-way vision identification parade room and video interview room, etc. to facilitate their support in accompanying mentally incapacitated persons during criminal investigations and acting as “appropriate adults”.


  • District Social Welfare Office coordinated the Tseung Kwan O (South) Community Collaboration Network and the Tsui Lam Collaboration Alliance to organise a multi-service parade and the “Joyful Minds Journey” community support programme to enhance residents’ knowledge of community support services and promote neighborhood mutual help.  To address the special needs of elderly residents in remote rural area, District Social Welfare Office collaborated with local social service units to organise the “Exploring Rural Connections” volunteer training and service programme, in which 133 elders and volunteers were benefitted.  District Social Welfare Office also organised the “Sharing cum Award Presentation for Outstanding Volunteers and Volunteer Projects 2022-23” to applaud the contributions of volunteers and organisations and encourage volunteerism in the community.

