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Community Care Service Voucher Scheme for the Elderly (CCSV)


The Community Care Service Voucher Scheme (CCSV) for the Elderly (the Scheme) provides community care services (CCS) through adopting "money-following-the-user" and "affordable users pay" subsidy mode.

Features of the Scheme

  • "Money-following-the-user": directly subsidise eligible elderly persons so that they can freely choose and switch Recognised Service Providers (RSPs) under the Scheme, and adjust service items and volumes.
  • "Affordable users pay": the less an elderly person can afford, the more government subsidy he/she receives.
  • Mixed mode services: elderly persons can use both day care and home care services at the same time.
  • Services available within a short time: in general, the SWD will complete the vetting and approval process and issue the vouchers within two to four weeks upon receipt of applications.

Details of the Scheme

  • The scope of services under the Scheme is similar to the existing subsidised Day Care Centre for the Elderly and Enhanced Home and Community Care Services. The service delivery modes include: (i) centre-based service (full-time or part-time); (ii) home-based service; and (iii) centre-based and home-based service (mixed mode).
 Item / NameDownload File
Service Items of CCSVPDF
  • Elderly persons may choose any voucher value in-between the ceiling and floor voucher values (both values inclusive) to purchase service packages according to their needs (The ceiling and floor monthly voucher values for 2024-25 are $10,455 and $4,372 respectively).
  • SWD will take into account the family household income of the elderly person and his/her residing family members to conduct financial condition assessment with reference to the quarterly Median Monthly Domestic Household Income released by the Census and Statistics Department so as to determine the co-payment category of the elderly person. There are six categories of co-payment. Elderly persons are required to pay for the co-payment amount according to the rate of 5%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 25% or 40% of the service package value of CCSV while the government will pay for the remaining amount of the service package value.
Item / NameDownload File
Co-payment Table for the Scheme (with effect from 1 April 2024)PDF
  • Video on the Scheme:
Item / NameLink
Understanding the Scheme
(Chinese version with bilingual subtitles)

Voucher Information System for the Elderly

  • The Voucher Information System for the Elderly (VISE) is a web portal system manned by SWD.  Elderly persons might submit application form, calculate CCSV Co-payment Category, real-time check their voucher usages, search for RSPs and confirm their service packages as well as download the monthly service timetable, etc., through VISE.
Item / NameLink
Voucher Information System for the Elderly (VISE)Link
Submission of Application Form (Eligible Elderly Persons Only)Link
Calculate CCSV Co-payment CategoryLink

Eligibility and How to Apply 

The elderly persons who have been assessed and recommended for CCS or residential care services (RCS) under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services, and are waitlisting for subsidised CCS and/or RCS on the Central Waiting List (CWL) for Subsidised Long Term Care Services without any kind of RCS or subsidised CCS being received may submit an application. SWD will send invitation letters to eligible elderly persons who are newly registered on the CWL.

Eligible elderly persons may click here to download the application form:

Item / NameDownload File / Link
Application FormPDF
Video on the Scheme - How to apply and use the CCSV (Chinese version with bilingual subtitles)Video

Recognised Service Providers and their Services

To make it easier for the members of public and voucher users to identify RSPs under the CCSV Scheme, the SWD has provided each RSP with below logo sticker which would be displayed at a conspicuous position (e.g. entrance or reception counter, etc.) of the service unit.

Please click here to download the information of the RSPs of the Scheme.

Item / NameLink
Full List of RSPsPDF
List of RSPs by serving districtLink
List of RSPs providing rental service of Assistive Technology productsPDF

Useful Information and Download

Item / NameDownload File / Link
Service LeafletPDF
Frequently Asked QuestionsPDF
SWD Elderly Information WebsiteLink
Customer Satisfaction QuestionnairePDF
Service Statistic of the CCSV Scheme (Chinese version only)PDF
Item / Name (SWD commissioned the Sau Po Centre on Ageing of the University of Hong Kong to conduct evaluation studies on the Scheme)Download File
Executive Summary of Mid-term Evaluation Report of Evaluation Study of the First Phase of the Pilot Scheme on CCSV for the ElderlyPDF
Chapter 8 "Implications and Conclusions" of Final Evaluation Report of Evaluation Study of the First Phase of the Pilot Scheme on CCSV for the ElderlyPDF
Executive Summary of Final Evaluation Report of Evaluation Study of the Second Phase of the Pilot Scheme on CCSV for the ElderlyPDF
Item / Name (Customer Satisfactory Surveys of the Third Phase of the Pilot Scheme)Download File
Executive Summary of Customer Satisfactory Surveys of the Third Phase of the Pilot Scheme (Chinese Version Only)PDF


Community Care Service Voucher Office Social Welfare Department

Address:Rooms 2601-05A, 26/F, Two Chinachem Exchange Square, 338 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Telephone No.:3107 3013
(from Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm, except public holidays)
Fax:2117 1264
