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Relevant Information of Registration of Child Care Centres

Registration, Inspection and Control under Child Care Services Ordinance and Child Care Services Regulations

  • Child care centres (including residential child care centres and special child care centres) are registered and monitored by Child Care Centres Advisory Inspectorate of the Department.
  • Child care centres providing kindergarten education to children aged 3-6 in the same premises are registered and monitored by the Joint Office for Kindergartens and Child Care Centres of the Education Bureau. Regarding application procedures for registration of kindergarden-cum-child care centres, detailed information can be found at EDB website

Registration of Child Care Centres

  • Any person who intends to operate a child care centre should first acquaint himself with the statutory provisions governing the operation of a child care centre as laid down in the Child Care Services Ordinance (Cap. 243) and the Child Care Services Regulations (Cap. 243A). You should also refer to Procedural Guide for Application for Registration of a Child Care Centre.
  • Apart from written application, the public can fill in the electronic form(s) for online submission to Child Care Centres Advisory Inspectorate.
Item / Name Download File
Procedural Guide for Application for Registration of a Child Care Centre PDF / Word
