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Relevant Ordinance, Regulation and Code of Practice

Child Care Services Ordinance (Chapter 243, Laws of Hong Kong)

Child Care Services Ordinance, previously known as the Child Care Centres Ordinance (Chapter 243, Laws of Hong Kong), protects the well-being of children under care. It ensures that child care centres are maintained at a standard which provides adequate care for children’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. All child care centres must be registered in compliance with the requirements under the Child Care Services Ordinance (Chapter 243) and the Child Care Services Regulations (Chapter 243A).

Any person who operates, or takes part in the management of a child care centre without a valid certificate of registration or certificate of exemption commits an offence. The maximum penalty on conviction is a fine at level 6 ($100,000 at present) and imprisonment for two years.

Item / Name Download File
Child Care Services Ordinance (Chapter 243) Link
Child Care Services Regulations (Chapter 243A) Link
Operation Manual for Pre-primary Institutions (Replacing the Code of Practice of Child Care Centres with effect from 1 September 2006) PDF
Code of Practice on Mutual Help Child Care Centres (Revised 9/2021) PDF / Word
