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CRSRehab Waiting List Information Updates

Pre-school Rehabilitation Services

Subject/TitleNo. of Waiting ListCases Matched for Service *Remarks(1,2)
Early Education & Training CentrePDFPDF
Special Child Care CentrePDF
Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre PDF
On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services   PDF


  • (1) Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services (the System) accepts parents to register application for Special Child Care Centre or Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre services for children from below the age of two in advance.  However, when there are available places in the said services, these children have to meet the basic admission criteria, including reaching the age of two, before they could be eligible for service allocation.  Upon receipt of vacancy reports from service units, the System will select eligible children on the waiting list for admission to the services according to the order of their dates of application and location preference normally. 
  • (2) On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services (OPRS) applicants should provide information on the kindergartens (KGs) or kindergarten-cum-child care centres (KG-cum-CCC) attending/to be attended.  Such information can be left blank if it is not yet available at the time of submission of the application.  Selection of OPRS placement will only be made when the applicant has secured a school placement in the KG/KG-cum-CCC participating in OPRS.  Meanwhile, selection of OPRS placement will not be made in the absence of the information of KG/KG-cum-CCC.


Services for Disabled Adults

Subject/TitleNo. of Waiting ListCases Matched for Service *Remarks(3)
including mentally handicapped, physically handicapped, aged blind persons and persons in mental recoveryPDFPDF


  • (3) The above information is for reference only.  The waiting time of individual applications may vary due to changes in service provision, number of applicants on the waiting list (including applicants who need to change the type of service applied for), number of service vacancies and location preference(s) of applicants.
