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Agency-based Speech Therapy Service

Service Description

It provides speech therapy service to needy ageing service users of subvented residential care homes for persons with disabilities (RCHD).

Target Group

Ageing service users from RCHD (including Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons, Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons, Hostel for Severely Physically /Mentally Handicapped Persons, Care and Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons Long Stay Care Home, Supported Hostel and Care and Attention Home for Aged Blind) and/or their family members/ carers and relevant staff members.

Service Content

It provides assessment, direct treatment, consultation, training and educational programmes to help needy ageing service users and/or their family members/ carers with speech, feeding and swallowing disabilities to overcome obstacles in their daily living and to maintain their residual communication and speech ability so that their daily function could be sustained. The service covers both clinical and educational services providing at individual and centre level as follows:

  1. Case screening and assessment;
  2. Individual treatment and training;
  3. Case consultation;
  4. Educational and support services for family members/ principal carers/ relevant staff members of RCHDs.

Application Procedures

Referrals can be made by staff members of RCHDs to designated Agency-based Speech Therapy Service Operators.

Fees and Charges


