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Eligibility criteria

Eligibility criteria for Portable Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (PCSSA) Scheme

To be eligible for PCSSA, the applicant must:

  • satisfy the means test under the CSSA Scheme;
  • be a Hong Kong permanent resident and have lived in Hong Kong for at least 7 years;
  • be aged 65 or above; and
  • have received CSSA continuously for at least 1 year immediately before the date of application for PCSSA (breaks in payment totalling not more than 10 days during the one-year period are allowed.)

*A person aged 60 to 64 who is considered as an elderly recipient under the CSSA Scheme also satisfies the age requirement of the PCSSA Scheme. For details, please contact the social security field unit which handles his/her CSSA case.
**The applicant is required to declare the scheduled date of his/her departure from Hong Kong to take up permanent residence in Guangdong or Fujian, which must fall within 3 months of the date of application for PCSSA. Applicant who is an authorized Public Rental Housing (PRH) tenant, is required to surrender his/her PRH unit or delete his/her name from the tenancy before he/she departs from Hong Kong.
