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Annual Highlights

Highlights of the Year 2022-23

Merger of Normal and Higher Old Age Living Allowance

Effective from 1 September 2022, SWD has merged the Normal Old Age Living Allowance (Normal OALA) and the Higher Old Age Living Allowance (Higher OALA) into the Old Age Living Allowance (OALA).  The merged OALA adopts the more relaxed asset limits of the Normal OALA and the payment rate of the Higher OALA, while the monthly income limits remain unchanged.  These arrangements also apply to the Guangdong (GD) Scheme and the Fujian (FJ) Scheme.  

Special One-off Arrangement

In the first year of implementing the merger of OALA under the GD Scheme and the FJ Scheme (i.e. 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023), a special one-off arrangement has  been re-launched to allow Hong Kong elderly persons who have resided in GD/FJ and have satisfied all other prescribed eligibility criteria  but fail to meet the requirement of having resided in Hong Kong continuously for at least 1 year immediately before the date of application, to benefit from the Old Age Allowance or OALA under the GD Scheme and the FJ Scheme without having to return to and stay in Hong Kong for 1 year.

