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Highlights of the Year 2020-21

Since March 2005, 14 rounds of regular portion application and 7 rounds of dedicated portion application under the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged have been launched.  For the regular portion, matching grants of about $501 million were allocated to 207 welfare NGOs as at 31 March 2021 for carrying out 1 041 welfare projects, with donations from more than 1 600 business partners, benefitting more than 1 million disadvantaged persons.  As for the dedication portion, about $259 million matching grants were allocated to 56 welfare NGOs and 88 schools as at 31 March 2021, with donations from more than 400 business partners, for carrying out 404 welfare projects for the purpose of launching after-school learning and support programmes for primary and secondary students from grassroots families, benefitting more than 130 000 students.
