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Special Scheme to Import Care Workers for Residential Care Homes (“Special Scheme”)

Background and Objectives

To address the shortage of and increasing demand for care workers, and to assist the residential care homes (RCHs) sector in enhancing service quality, the Government, on the premise of safeguarding the employment priority for local workers, launched the Special Scheme on 19 June 2023 to allow RCHs for the elderly (RCHEs), RCHs for persons with disabilities (RCHDs) and nursing homes (NHs) to import care workers on an appropriate scale, relax the ratio of imported care workers to local staff, and streamline the vetting procedures for applications.

Eligibility for Application

RCHEs issued with licences under the Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Ordinance (Cap. 459), RCHDs issued with licences under the Residential Care Homes (Persons with Disabilities) Ordinance (Cap. 613), and NHs issued with letters of exemption under the Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance (Cap. 633).

Application & Enquiries

  1. The Special Scheme accepts RCHEs, RCHDs and NHs to submit applications for quotas within a specified application period of about two weeks. The actual dates of accepting application will be announced at appropriate time in the "What's New" of the Social Welfare Department (SWD) website.
  2. The sixth round application of the Special Scheme will be launched from 9:00 a.m. on 17 April 2025 (Thursday) till 5:00 p.m. on 6 May 2025 (Tuesday).  The application can be submitted by hand, by post or through e-Form.  The sixth round application will allocate around 800 new quotas for applications for importation of care workers and accept quota applications for employment contract renewal with the existing imported care workers submitted by RCHEs, RCHDs and NHs.
  3. RCH operators may submit applications online (the hyperlink of the e-Form will be provided later), or download the application form on this page and submit the completed application form together with the required documents in person or by post, to Contract Management Section (Oi Kwan Road Office) of SWD.  The processing time is around 2 months.
  4. Applicants should submit a completed application form together with the form of “Information of Imported Workers of Other Schemes”.  The form of “Information of Imported Workers of Other Schemes” can be downloaded from "Forms and Documents of Special Scheme".
  5. If RCHs have in-employ imported care workers, applicants should submit the form of “List of In-employ Imported Care Worker(Annex 3 to the application form).  The form has been updated and is now available in Excel format, which can be downloaded from “Forms and Documents of Special Scheme”.

    1. If applicants submit applications online, they should upload the completed form of “List of In-employ Imported Care Worker” (Excel version) via the e-Form platform.
    2. If applicants submit applications in person or by post, they should submit a completed application form and relevant annexes together with (i) the completed and signed physical form of “List of In-employ Imported Care Worker”; and (ii) a CD-ROM containing the electronic form of “List of In-employ Imported Care Worker” (Excel version) [The Applicants can also submit the electronic form of “List of In-employ Imported Care Worker” (Excel version) by email ( within two working days from the date of application submission].

For illustration to complete the form of “List of In-employ Imported Care Worker” (Excel version), please click here.          

  1. Before making application, please refer to the “Booklet on Special Scheme to Import Care Workers for Residential Care Homes” and “Points to Note” in the Application Form for details of the application procedures.  For the latest median monthly wage of care workers in Hong Kong, please refer to “Other Information” for details.
  2. The seventh round application of the Special Scheme will be launched in July 2025.  Details will be announced in June 2025.
  3. SWD has revised the “Declaration and Authorisation Form” (for Imported Care Workers’ completion only) and the “Joint Declaration Form on Importing Workers from the Mainland to Hong Kong” (only available in Chinese).  Starting from 1 March 2025, employers must submit the revised forms to the Immigration Department when applying for visa/entry permits for imported care workers.  If employer submit the old forms on or after the above effective date, the applications will not be processed.  The above requirement is also applicable to applications for replacement of imported care workers submitted by employers.
  4. SWD has revised the forms of “Declaration of Accommodation Particulars of Imported Care Workers”, “Acknowledgment Record of Standard Employment Contract”, “Notice of Termination of Employment Contract with Imported Care Workers”, “Application for Replacement of Imported Care Workers”, and “Notice of Change of Residence”.  Starting from 1 April 2025, employers must use the revised forms.  If employers submit the old forms on or after the above effective date, they need to re-submit their forms.
  5. For enquiries, please contact our office at:    
AddressContract Management Section (Oi Kwan Road Office)
Room 306, 3/F, Lady Trench Training Centre, 44 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
(Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., except public holidays)
Telephone3468 3923
(Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., except public holidays)
Fax3468 2002

Forms and Documents of Special Scheme

Item / NameDownload File
Booklet on Special Scheme to Import Care Workers for Residential Care Homes (2/2025)PDF (Text-only version)
Application Form (with "Points to Note" and "Requirements on the Recruitment Advertisement of Local Care Worker(s)") (9/2023)PDF
Online Form
Confirmation Form on Local Recruitment (Annex 1 to Application Form) (8/2023)PDF
Information Form of Full-time Local Employees of Residential Care Home (Annex 2 to Application Form) (8/2023)PDF
List of In-employ Imported Care Worker (Annex 3 to Application Form) (3/2025)Excel
List of imported care workers (including replacement of imported care workers) not yet arrived in Hong Kong (Annex 4 to Application Form) (8/2023)PDF
Information of Imported Workers of Other SchemesPDF
Declaration and Authorisation Form (for Imported Care Workers' completion only) (3/2025)
(Starting from 1 March 2025, employers must submit this revised form to the Immigration Department when applying for visa/entry permits for imported care workers, including applications for replacement of imported care workers)
Joint Declaration Form on Importing Workers from the Mainland to Hong Kong (3/2025)
(Starting from 1 March 2025, an employer must submit this revised form to the Immigration Department when applying for visa/entry permits for imported care workers, including applications for replacement of imported care workers)
PDF (Chinese only)
Declaration of Accommodation Particulars of Imported Care Workers (2/2025)PDF
Application Form for Appeal on Application ResultPDF(Chinese only)
Acknowledgment Record of Standard Employment Contract (2/2025)PDF
Notice of Termination of Employment Contract with Imported Care Workers (2/2025)PDF(Chinese only)
Application for Replacement of Imported Care Workers (2/2025)PDF(Chinese only)
Notice of Change of Residence (2/2025)PDF(Chinese only)

Other Information

  • According to the statistics of the Census and Statistics Department, the updated median monthly wage for care worker is HKD$14,820 (9 hours of normal working hours per day excluding meal break).
  • An online briefing session was held by SWD for the residential care home sector on 1 August 2024 to provide an overview of new quota allocation, highlight key points for applicants to pay special attention to, and answer enquiries.  The Powerpoint slides of this briefing session can be downloaded here(Chinese only).
  • Frequently asked questions and answers on the Special Scheme (updated in February 2025), please click here(Chinese only).  
  • The illustration to complete the e-Form, please click here.
