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Performance Standards

The Service Performance Monitoring System is established jointly by the Social Welfare Department and the social welfare sector for assessing the service performance of subvented units through the relevant requirements stipulated in the Funding and Service Agreement, including Essential Service Requirements, Output and Outcome Standards, as well as 16 Service Quality Standards.

Essential Service Requirements (ESRs)

The ESRs specify the necessary features of the infrastructure for a specific service such as the operating hours (e.g. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays, 24-hour operation), essential staffing (e.g. nurses) and the requirement to comply with the relevant ordinances and/or regulations.
Self-assessment on Essential Service Requirements (ESRs)

Output Standards (OS)

OSs are used to measure the service volume. An operator is required to meet the agreed level of service outputs such as the number of cases served, number of groups and programmes, enrolment or occupancy rates.

Outcome Standards (OC)

OCs are used to evaluate the effectiveness of services. An operator is required to meet the agreed level of service outcomes such as the rate of satisfaction by service users and/or their family members.

Service Quality Standards (SQS)

The SQSs define the level of which, in terms of management and service provision, service units are expected to attain. The SQSs are developed according to four principles as follows:

  • to clearly define the purpose and objectives of the service and make its mode of delivery transparent to the public;
  • to manage resources effectively with flexibility, innovation and continuous quality improvement;
  • to identify and respond to specific service users' needs; and
  • to respect the rights of service users.

There are 16 SQSs, each of which is elaborated by a set of Criteria and Assessment Indicators. They are generic descriptions of the basic requirements which the service operators may suitably apply on a certain service type or a particular service unit for meeting the SQS requirements.

