An Overview




The Social Welfare Department (SWD) is committed to building a caring community with self-sufficiency, dignity, harmony and happiness for people of Hong Kong.



The endeavours of SWD are along the following guiding principles:

  • to provide the disadvantaged groups who are unable to attain self-subsistence with a safety net
  • to cherish the family as a core value of social harmony and fundamental to the stability and prosperity of our society
  • to assist the poor and the unemployed with an emphasis on enhancing, not impeding, their will to be self-reliant
  • to foster a caring culture in the society and encourage those with sufficient means to show concern for the community



SWD is dedicated to:

  • caring for the elderly, the sick and the underprivileged
  • ensuring provision of a safety net to the needy while encouraging and assisting those with ability to work to become self-reliant
  • preserving and strengthening family solidarity and nurturing harmonious interpersonal relationships amongst family members
  • mobilising community resources and promoting volunteerism to foster mutual care and support in the community
  • developing social capital and encouraging partnerships among segments of the community on the basis of shared responsibilities for the social development of Hong Kong