Reference Furniture and Equipment Lists (April 2022 edition)
Service Nature: Family and Child Welfare Services
# | Service Unit | 服務單位 | 檔案下載/連結 |
1 | Child Care Centre | 幼兒中心 | PDF版 |
2 | Children's Home | 兒童院 | PDF版 |
Children's Reception Centre | 兒童收容中心 | PDF版 | |
Residential Child Care Centre (including Residential Creche and Residential Nursery) | 留宿幼兒中心(包括留宿育嬰園及留宿幼兒園) | PDF版 | |
3 | Community Education on Prevention of Child Abuse | 預防虐待兒童社區教育 | PDF版 |
4 | Cross-boundary and Inter-country Casework Service | 跨境及國際個案工作服務 | PDF版 |
5 | Family Crisis Support Centre | 家庭危機支援中心 | PDF版 |
6 | Family Life Education Unit | 家庭生活教育單位 | PDF版 |
7 | Foster Care | 寄養服務 | PDF版 |
8 | Integrated Family Service Centre | 綜合家庭服務中心 | PDF版 |
9 | Integrated Services Team for Street Sleepers | 露宿者綜合服務隊 | PDF版 |
10 | Inter-country Adoption Service | 跨國領養服務 | PDF版 |
11 | Multi-purpose Crisis Intervention and Support Centre | 危機介入及支援中心 | PDF版 |
12 | Refuge Centre for Women | 婦女庇護中心 | PDF版 |
13 | Small Group Home | 兒童之家 | PDF版 |
14 | Suicide Crisis Intervention Centre | 自殺危機處理中心 | PDF版 |
15 | Temporary Shelter / Hostel for Street Sleepers | 露宿者臨時收容中心/宿舍 | PDF版 |
Urban Hostel for Single Persons | 市區單身人士宿舍 | PDF版 | |
16 | Victim Support Programme for Victims of Family Violence | 家庭暴力受害人支援計劃 | PDF版 |
17 | Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre | 共享親職支援中心 | PDF版 |
18 | Short-term Food Assistance Service Team | 短期食物援助服務隊 | PDF版 |
19 | Outreaching Teams for Ethnic Minorities | 少數族裔外展隊 | PDF版 |
Service Nature: Rehabilitation Services
# | Service Unit | 服務單位 | 檔案下載/連結 |
1 | Agency-based Occupational Therapy Service | 機構為本職業治療服務 | PDF版 |
2 | Care & Attention Home for the Aged Blind | 盲人護理安老院 | PDF版 |
3 | Care & Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons | 嚴重殘疾人士護理院 | PDF版 |
4 | Community Rehabilitation Day Centre | 日間社區康復中心 | PDF版 |
5 | Community Rehabilitation Network | 社區復康網絡 | PDF版 |
6 | Day Activity Centre | 展能中心 | PDF版 |
7 | District Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities | 殘疾人士地區支援中心 | PDF版 |
8 | Early Education & Training Centre | 早期教育及訓練中心 | PDF版 |
9 | Halfway House | 中途宿舍 | PDF版 |
10 | Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities | 嚴重殘疾人士家居照顧服務 | PDF版 |
11 | Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons | 中度弱智人士宿舍 | PDF版 |
Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons | 嚴重弱智人士宿舍 | PDF版 | |
Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons | 嚴重肢體傷殘人士宿舍 | PDF版 | |
Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons with Mental Handicap | 嚴重肢體傷殘兼弱智人士宿舍 | PDF版 | |
12 | Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness | 精神健康綜合社區中心 | PDF版 |
13 | Integrated Support Service for Persons with Severe Physical Disabilities | 嚴重肢體傷殘人士綜合支援服務 | PDF版 |
14 | Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre | 綜合職業康復服務中心 | PDF版 |
Sheltered Workshop | 庇護工場 | PDF版 | |
15 | Long Stay Care Home | 長期護理院 | PDF版 |
16 | Parents / Relatives Resource Centre for Disabled Persons | 為殘疾人士而設的家長/親屬資源中心 | PDF版 |
Parents / Relatives Resource Centre for Mentally Ill Persons | 為精神病康復者而設的家長/親屬資源中心 | PDF版 | |
17 | Small Group Home for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Children | 輕度弱智兒童之家 | PDF版 |
Special Children Home for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Children | 為輕度智障兒童而設的特殊兒童之家 | PDF版 | |
18 | Social and Recreational Centres for Persons with Disabilities | 殘疾人士社交及康樂中心 | PDF版 |
19 | Special Child Care Centres | 特殊幼兒中心 | PDF版 |
20 | Supported Employment | 輔助就業 | PDF版 |
21 | Supported Hostel for Ex-mentally Ill Persons | 為精神病康復者而設的輔助宿舍 | PDF版 |
22 | Supported Hostel for Mentally / Physically Handicapped Persons | 為弱智/肢體傷殘人士而設的輔助宿舍 | PDF版 |
23 | Support Centre for Persons with Autism | 自閉症人士支援中心 | PDF版 |
24 | On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services | 到校學前康復服務 | PDF版 |
25 | Tier 1 Support Services (New) | 第一層支援服務 (新) | PDF版 |
Service Nature: Services for the Elderly
# | Service Unit | 服務單位 | 檔案下載/連結 |
1 | Day Care Centre / Unit for the Elderly | 長者日間護理中心/單位 | PDF版 |
2 | District Elderly Community Centre | 長者地區中心 | PDF版 |
3 | Enhanced Home and Community Care Services Team | 改善家居及社區照顧服務隊 | PDF版 |
4 | Integrated Home Care Services Team | 綜合家居照顧服務隊 | PDF版 |
5 | Neighbourhood Elderly Centre | 長者鄰舍中心 | PDF版 |
6 | Residential Care Home for the Elderly (including Care & Attention Home Providing Continuum of Care, Conversion Home Providing Continuum of Care and Nursing Home) | 安老院舍(包括提供持續照顧的護理安老院、轉型為提供持續照顧的安老院及護養院) | PDF版 |
7 | Coummunity Care Service Voucher Scheme for the Elderly | 長者社區照顧服務劵計劃 | PDF版 |
Service Nature: Youth and Corrections Services
# | Service Unit | 服務單位 | 檔案下載/連結 |
1 | Boys' Home / Girls' Home | 男/女童院 | PDF版 |
Boys' Hostel / Girls' Hostel | 男/女童宿舍 | PDF版 | |
Crisis Residential Service for Youth-at-Risk | 邊緣青少年危機住宿服務 | PDF版 | |
Residential Service for Young Probationers and High-risk Youth | 受感化青少年及高危青少年住宿服務 | PDF版 | |
2 | Care and Support Networking Team | 邊緣社群支援計劃 | PDF版 |
3 | Centre for Drug Counselling | 戒毒輔導服務中心 | PDF版 |
Counselling Centre for Psychotropic Substance Abusers | 濫用精神藥物者輔導中心 | PDF版 | |
4 | Children and Youth Centres | 兒童及青年中心 | PDF版 |
Children and Youth Centres with Reading / Study Rooms | 兒童及青年中心暨閱覽室 | PDF版 | |
Children Centres | 兒童中心 | PDF版 | |
Children Centres with Reading / Study Rooms | 兒童中心暨閱覽室 | PDF版 | |
Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres | 綜合青少年服務中心 | PDF版 | |
Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres with Community Support Service Scheme | 綜合青少年服務中心暨社區支援服務計劃 | PDF版 | |
Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres with Services for Young Night Drifters | 設有青少年深宵外展服務的綜合青少年服務中心 | PDF版 | |
Youth Centres | 青年中心 | PDF版 | |
Youth Centres with Reading / Study Rooms | 青年中心暨閱覽室 | PDF版 | |
5 | Community Centre | 社區中心 | PDF版 |
6 | Community Education and Crime Prevention Service | 社區教育及預防犯罪服務 | PDF版 |
Court Social Work Service | 法院社工服務 | PDF版 | |
Employment Development Service for Ex-offenders and Discharged Prisoners | 為曾違法者及刑釋人士而設的職業發展服務 | PDF版 | |
Intergrated Service Centres for Ex-offenders and Discharged Prisoners | 為曾違法者及刑釋人士而設的綜合服務中心 | PDF版 | |
7 | District Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams | 地區青少年外展社會工作隊 | PDF版 |
Youth Outreaching Teams | 青少年外展隊 | PDF版 | |
8 | Half-way House Service for Ex-drug Abusers | 為已戒除毒癮人士而設的中途宿舍 | PDF版 |
Non-medical Voluntary Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services | 自願性質的非醫療模式戒毒治療及康復服務 | PDF版 | |
9 | Hostel Service for Ex-offenders and Discharged Prisoners | 為曾違法者及刑釋人士而設的宿舍 | PDF版 |
10 | Neighbourhood Level Community Development Projects | 鄰舍層面社區發展計劃 | PDF版 |
11 | Hotline Service for Youth at Risk | 青年熱線服務 | PDF版 |
12 | School Social Work | 學校社會工作 | PDF版 |