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To achieve specialisation, a Train-the-Specialist/Mentor scheme was launched in 2010 with the aim of developing trainers in treatment or assessment. Working groups were also set up to develop treatment packages that were tailor-made to the unique clientele of the SWD.
Public Education |
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In spite of their heavy involvement in direct services, the Clinical Psychologists of SWD have been very active in preventive work through giving talks or conducting training on the subject of mental health.
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In 2010-11, through Operation Silver Lining, many Clinical Psychologists answered media questions on mental health issues. They also published various books and pamphlets for public education on mental health.
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The following table shows the relevant statistics on public education: |
Staff Care and Support
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In face of the ever increasing workload and stress by fellow staff of the SWD, the Clinical Psychologists provide support to them through conducting various stress management training and provision of counselling services to staff in need. |