10.1 Services for young people aim at developing the potential of youth, facilitating their healthy development and assisting them to face challenges from family, peers, school and society, and fostering in them a sense of citizenship with commitment to the community.
10.2 The service provision as at 31 March 2011 is as follows:
(a) 137 Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres
(b) 24 Children and Youth Centres
(c) 482 School Social Work Units
(d) 16 District Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams
(e) 5 teams of Community Support Service Scheme
(f) 1 Hotline Service for Youth-at-risk
(g) 1 540 full fee waiving places under After School Care Programme

Modernisation Package of Integrated Children & Youth Services Centres
10.3 Integrated Children & Youth Services Centres (ICYSCs) aim at providing one-stop centre-based, school social work and outreaching services for young people by a team of social workers under the management of one supervisor in a holistic manner. To cater for the needs of contemporary youth, SWD has been helping NGOs to form new ICYSCs either through injection of new resources and/or pooling of existing resources. As at 31 March 2011, there were 137 ICYSCs.
10.4 With service integration achieved through formation of ICYSCs, the hardware of the centres has been upgraded and modernised to attract and meet the changing needs of contemporary youth. Apart from the 82 ICYSCs modernised under the joint grants of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and the Lotteries Fund (LF) from 2002-09, another 74 youth service units (comprising 49 ICYSCs/Children and Youth Centres/Youth Centres/Children Centres, 14 District Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams and 11 Community Centres) were provided with funding to upgrade their premises and facilities from 2009-11 under a Modernisation Package funded by the LF.
District Support Scheme for Children and Youth Development
10.5 With effect from 2005-06, SWD has been provided with an annual recurrent provision of $15 million for implementing the District Support Scheme for Children and Youth Development (the Scheme) through District Social Welfare Offices. The Scheme aims to address the developmental needs, which cannot be covered by other funds, subsidies or the mainstream education systems, of children and youth aged 24 or below in disadvantaged circumstances in the districts. About 40% of the resources were allocated on project basis to cover programme expenses and the remaining 60% were distributed as direct cash assistance to deprived children and youth on individual item expenses to meet their developmental needs. There were a total of 27 353 and 29 961 beneficiaries in 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively.
Provision of Full Fee Waiving or Half Fee Reduction Subsidies Scheme under After School Care Programme
10.6 The SWD provides annual recurrent funding for the provision of fee-waiving places to parents who cannot afford the services and are unable to take care of their children after school as a result of being engaged in open employment or employment-related retraining/attachment programmes. Eligible parents would be granted full fee waiving or half-fee reduction places for the service according to their family household income.