2.1 In 2009-10 and 2010-11, the Social Welfare Department has launched various new initiatives or enhanced existing welfare services under different programme areas to help the needy individuals and families in the community.

Relaxed the limit of absence from Hong Kong for the Old Age Allowance and Disability Allowance to 305 days a year, thus enabling elderly and disabled recipients to receive a full-year allowance as long as they have resided in Hong Kong for 60 days a year.



Provided additional one-off assistance to Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients and recipients of the Disability Allowance and Old Age Allowance.



Launched the Victim Support Programme for Victims of Family Violence to provide victims of domestic violence with emotional support and relevant information on legal proceedings and community services.



Set up the fifth refuge centre for women and strengthened the support services provided by the existing four refuge centres for women.



Increased manpower in Family and Child Protective Services Units.



Completed the Pilot Project on Child Fatality Review and its evaluation.



Enhanced the SWD Hotline for operation on a 24-hour basis with commencement of service of an NGO-operated Hotline and Outreaching Service Team.



Launched the operation of five short-term food assistance service projects run by NGOs.



Completed the pilot Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project and its evaluation.



Launched a pilot scheme on home care services for the frail elders who were on the waiting list for nursing home places to provide them with new package of intensive and tailor-made home care services.



Launched a pilot scheme to provide residential care homes for the elderly with subsidised visiting pharmacist services to enhance the knowledge and capability of staff in drug management.



Extended the District-based Scheme on Carer Training to all District Elderly Community Centres and Neighbourhood Elderly Centres.



Continued to implement the Home Environment Improvement Scheme for the Elderly to assist the elders who are in lack of financial means and family support to improve their dilapidated homes.



Provided additional residential care places.



Increased subsidised community care places.



Provided or increased supplements for subsidised residential care homes and day care centres for the elderly to render more targeted services to the frail and demented elders.


(h) Continued to implement the Enrolled Nurse Training Programme for the Welfare Sector.