Day Care Services
7.8 The SWD has continued to increase the provision of day care service in the districts with high demand. As at 31 March 2011, there were 59 Day Care Centres/Units for the Elderly (DEs/DCU) providing a total of 2 330 day care places, with an increase of 96 places as compared with that as at 31 March 2009. A total of 3 114 elders, including full time and part-time users, were receiving day care services in these DEs/DCUs.
Home-based Services
7.9 In 2009-10, service volume of Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (EHCCS) was increased by 113 places. As at 31 March 2011, 24 EHCCS Teams are providing a total of 3 579 places. EHCCS continues to deliver a wide range of care and support services to enable elders who have been assessed under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services to have moderate or severe level of impairment level to continue to live at home and to maintain their maximum level of functioning. Besides, 60 Integrated Home Care Services Teams served a total of 29 665 cases, including ordinary and frail cases, in 2010-11.

Opportunities for the Elderly Project
7.10 Under the Project, subsidies were provided to welfare agencies, district organisations, schools, volunteer groups and residents’ associations to organise a wide range of programmes and activities, such as promoting life-long learning, community participation, inter-generational solidarity and volunteerism, etc. to promote a sense of worthiness among elders and to instill a spirit of care for elders in the community. A total of 518 projects were launched in 2009-10 and 2010-11 by various community organisations benefiting over 182 500 head count of elders.
7.11 While the majority of our elders are healthy, some have varying levels of impairment and cannot be adequately taken care of at home. These frail elders are in need of residential care so that they can achieve the optimal level of independence and social participation through nursing and personal care and social activities. In order to target resources at elders with genuine care needs and to enhance their quality of life whilst staying in residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs), SWD has implemented a number of service initiatives and has buttressed the service quality monitoring.
Service Improvement Measures of Residential Care Homes for the Elderly
7.12 The Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Ordinance, Cap. 459, provides for the control and monitoring of RCHEs through a licensing scheme managed by SWD. SWD has taken a number of service improvement measures to further upgrade the service quality of RCHEs. These initiatives include:
(a) The Administration has implemented a three-year Pilot Scheme on Visiting Pharmacist Services since June 2010 to provide and subsidise registered pharmacist to strengthen the drug management capability of RCHEs.
(b) SWD and Department of Health organised eight workshops in 2009 and 2010 to provide training for RCHE staff, and drug management was one of the major training items.
(c) Guidelines on home management and health care services were issued to RCHEs from time to time to facilitate them to enhance their service quality.