9.4 MSWs also work closely with medical and allied health professionals to meet the needs of the community through early identification and intervention services. They take up a key role in the following community-based services:
(a) Psycho-geriatric Teams
(b) Community Geriatric Assessment Teams
(c) Community Psychiatric Teams
(d) Early Assessment Service for Young People with Psychosis
(e) Elderly Suicide Prevention Programme
(f) Extended-care Patients Intensive Treatment, Early Diversion and Rehabilitation Stepping-stone
Enhancement of Medical Fee Waiving Mechanism
9.5 With an aim to streamline the processing of the medical fee waiving application, and to facilitate registered social workers of SWD in processing the application through accessible means, SWD has implemented the enhanced mechanism in MSSUs attached to hospitals and clinics of the Hospital Authority/Department of Health, Family and Child Protective Services Unit and will extend the mechanism to Integrated Family Service Centres of SWD in June 2011 for achieving consistency in service delivery and quality management.

Strengthening of Psychiatric Medical Social Services
9.6 To dovetail with the various initiatives launched by the Hospital Authority to enhance the community support services for mental patients thereby facilitating their recovery and re-integration into the community, SWD has strengthened the manpower in psychiatric medical social services to provide enhanced support to discharged mental patients and their family members/carers. The number of medical social workers will be increased to a total of 243 in 2011-12.