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Reference Lists of Furniture & Equipment

Reference Furniture and Equipment Lists (April 2022 edition)

Service Nature: Family and Child Welfare Services

#Service Unit服務單位Download File / Link
1Child Care Centre幼兒中心PDF
2Children's Home兒童院PDF
Children's Reception Centre兒童收容中心PDF
Residential Child Care Centre (including Residential Creche and Residential Nursery)留宿幼兒中心(包括留宿育嬰園及留宿幼兒園)PDF
3Community Education on Prevention of Child Abuse預防虐待兒童社區教育PDF
4Cross-boundary and Inter-country Casework Service跨境及國際個案工作服務PDF
5Family Crisis Support Centre家庭危機支援中心PDF
6Family Life Education Unit家庭生活教育單位PDF
7Foster Care寄養服務PDF
8Integrated Family Service Centre綜合家庭服務中心PDF
9Integrated Services Team for Street Sleepers露宿者綜合服務隊PDF
10Inter-country Adoption Service跨國領養服務PDF
11Multi-purpose Crisis Intervention and Support Centre危機介入及支援中心PDF
12Refuge Centre for Women婦女庇護中心PDF
13Small Group Home兒童之家PDF
14Suicide Crisis Intervention Centre自殺危機處理中心PDF
15Temporary Shelter / Hostel for Street Sleepers露宿者臨時收容中心/宿舍PDF
Urban Hostel for Single Persons市區單身人士宿舍PDF
16Victim Support Programme for Victims of Family Violence家庭暴力受害人支援計劃PDF
17Specialised Co-parenting Support Centre共享親職支援中心PDF
18Short-term Food Assistance Service Team短期食物援助服務隊PDF

Service Nature: Rehabilitation Services

#Service Unit服務單位Download File / Link
1Agency-based Occupational Therapy Service機構為本職業治療服務PDF
2Care & Attention Home for the Aged Blind盲人護理安老院PDF
3Care & Attention Home for Severely Disabled Persons嚴重殘疾人士護理院PDF
4Community Rehabilitation Day Centre日間社區康復中心PDF
5Community Rehabilitation Network社區復康網絡PDF
6Day Activity Centre展能中心PDF
7District Support Centre for Persons with Disabilities殘疾人士地區支援中心PDF
8Early Education & Training Centre早期教育及訓練中心PDF
9Halfway House中途宿舍PDF
10Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities嚴重殘疾人士家居照顧服務PDF
11Hostel for Moderately Mentally Handicapped Persons中度弱智人士宿舍PDF
Hostel for Severely Mentally Handicapped Persons嚴重弱智人士宿舍PDF
Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons嚴重肢體傷殘人士宿舍PDF
Hostel for Severely Physically Handicapped Persons with Mental Handicap嚴重肢體傷殘兼弱智人士宿舍PDF
12Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness精神健康綜合社區中心PDF
13Integrated Support Service for Persons with Severe Physical Disabilities嚴重肢體傷殘人士綜合支援服務PDF
14Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre綜合職業康復服務中心PDF
Sheltered Workshop庇護工場PDF
15Long Stay Care Home長期護理院PDF
16Parents / Relatives Resource Centre for Disabled Persons為殘疾人士而設的家長/親屬資源中心PDF
Parents / Relatives Resource Centre for Mentally Ill Persons為精神病康復者而設的家長/親屬資源中心PDF
17Small Group Home for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Children輕度弱智兒童之家PDF
Special Children Home for Mildly Mentally Handicapped Children為輕度智障兒童而設的特殊兒童之家PDF
18Social and Recreational Centres for the Disabled殘疾人士社交及康樂中心PDF
19Special Child Care Centres特殊幼兒中心PDF
20Supported Employment輔助就業PDF
21Supported Hostel for Ex-mentally Ill Persons為精神病康復者而設的輔助宿舍PDF
22Supported Hostel for Mentally / Physically Handicapped Persons為弱智/肢體傷殘人士而設的輔助宿舍PDF
23Support Centre for Persons with Autism自閉症人士支援中心PDF
24On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services到校學前康復服務PDF
25Tier 1 Support Services (New)第一層支援服務 (新)PDF

Service Nature: Services for the Elderly

#Service Unit服務單位Download File / Link
1Day Care Centre / Unit for the Elderly長者日間護理中心/單位PDF
2District Elderly Community Centre  長者地區中心PDF
3Enhanced Home and Community Care Services Team改善家居及社區照顧服務隊PDF
4Integrated Home Care Services Team綜合家居照顧服務隊PDF
5Neighbourhood Elderly Centre長者鄰舍中心PDF
6Residential Care Home for the Elderly (including Care & Attention Home Providing Continuum of Care, Conversion Home Providing Continuum of Care and Nursing Home)安老院舍(包括提供持續照顧的護理安老院、轉型為提供持續照顧的安老院及護養院)PDF
7Coummunity Care Service Voucher Scheme for the Elderly長者社區照顧服務劵計劃PDF

Service Nature: Youth and Corrections Services

#Service Unit服務單位Download File / Link
1Boys' Home / Girls' Home男/女童院PDF
Boys' Hostel / Girls' Hostel男/女童宿舍PDF
Crisis Residential Service for Youth-at-Risk邊緣青少年危機住宿服務PDF
Residential Service for Young Probationers and High-risk Youth受感化青少年及高危青少年住宿服務PDF
2Care and Support Networking Team邊緣社群支援計劃PDF
3Centre for Drug Counselling戒毒輔導服務中心PDF
Counselling Centre for Psychotropic Substance Abusers濫用精神藥物者輔導中心PDF
4Children and Youth Centres兒童及青年中心PDF
Children and Youth Centres with Reading / Study Rooms兒童及青年中心暨閱覽室PDF
Children Centres兒童中心PDF
Children Centres with Reading / Study Rooms兒童中心暨閱覽室PDF
Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres綜合青少年服務中心PDF
Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres with Community Support Service Scheme綜合青少年服務中心暨社區支援服務計劃PDF
Integrated Children and Youth Services Centres with Services for Young Night Drifters設有青少年深宵外展服務的綜合青少年服務中心PDF
Youth Centres青年中心PDF
Youth Centres with Reading / Study Rooms青年中心暨閱覽室PDF
5Community Centre社區中心PDF
6Community Education and Crime Prevention Service社區教育及預防犯罪服務PDF
Court Social Work Service法院社工服務PDF
Employment Development Service for Ex-offenders and Discharged Prisoners為曾違法者及刑釋人士而設的職業發展服務PDF
Intergrated Service Centres for Ex-offenders and Discharged Prisoners為曾違法者及刑釋人士而設的綜合服務中心PDF
7District Youth Outreaching Social Work Teams地區青少年外展社會工作隊PDF
Youth Outreaching Teams青少年外展隊PDF
8Half-way House Service for Ex-drug Abusers為已戒除毒癮人士而設的中途宿舍PDF
Non-medical Voluntary Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services自願性質的非醫療模式戒毒治療及康復服務PDF
9Hostel Service for Ex-offenders and Discharged Prisoners為曾違法者及刑釋人士而設的宿舍PDF
10Neighbourhood Level Community Development Projects鄰舍層面社區發展計劃PDF
11Hotline Service for Youth at Risk青年熱線服務PDF
12School Social Work學校社會工作PDF
