Multi-purpose Crisis Intervention and Support Centre
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The CEASE Crisis Centre (the Centre), operated by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, aims to provide comprehensive support to victims of sexual violence and individuals or families facing domestic violence or in crisis, and to link them with appropriate health care and social services units as soon as possible for necessary protection and services. Services provided include a 24-hour hotline and crisis intervention/immediate outreaching service for victims of sexual violence and elder abuse after office hours of SWD. Besides, the Centre provides short-term accommodation for victims who are temporarily not suitable to return home or individuals/families in crisis.
Suicide Crisis Intervention Centre
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The Suicide Crisis Intervention Centre (SCIC), operated by The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong (SBHK), provides round-the-clock outreaching, crisis intervention/intensive counselling to persons in crisis situation and at high/moderate suicidal risks. Apart from the core crisis intervention service, the SCIC also co-operates with SBHK's Life Education Centre and Hotline Centre and other related organisations to render support services to persons affected by suicidal behaviour (including family members and friends). Besides, the SCIC has been actively combating the problem of suicide through the provision of preventive education, hotline for brief counselling and crisis intervention. In response to service demands of suicide survivors and for cyber services, starting from November 2009, SBHK has received additional annual resources to implement designated services to survivors including reaching-out service, continual short-term intensive counseling service for 6-month period and volunteer training group service; and cyber services of regular blog search for early identification of those with suicidal tendency, and managing/updating the blog of the SCIC to convey meaningful and positive life attitude. Also, to provide channel for those internet users who are less ready to seek help proactively but are active to share through internet, the SBHK received further additional allocation from April 2010, on a three-year basis to implement the “web-engagement service”. In the first phase, forum, email-box and chat-room will be set up to reach out to internet users with suicidal ideation and for them to ventilate their emotion and get emotional support. In the second phase, case stories and videos will be collected and produced to promote positive life attitude while internet resource corner will be established to provide related social service to the users.
Services for Batterers |
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In reducing the risk of domestic violence, it is necessary to break the cycle of violence. Services for batterers have been another important work focus of SWD. Apart from individual counselling and treatment, a two-year “Pilot Project on Batterer Intervention Programme (BIP)” launched by the SWD was completed in 2008 and proven to be effective in helping the abusers change their abusive behaviour. In 2009, an outcome study on the pilot project showed that the programme effects were sustained after a one-year period. After completion of the pilot project, BIP has become an integrated component of the counselling service for batterers provided by the 11 Family and Child Protective Services Units of the SWD throughout the territory. In 2009-10 and 2010-11, a total of 173 batterers participated in BIP. SWD will further develop other treatment modalities such as BIP for women.
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Separately, under the Domestic Violence (Amendment) Ordinance 2009, SWD has launched a new Anti-violence Programme (AVP) which seeks to change the abusers’ attitude and behaviour. The Ordinance was amended as Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance, Cap. 189, in January 2010 to extend its scope to cover same-sex cohabitants. The AVP, psycho-education in nature, is suitable for different types of abusers. NGOs have been engaged in delivering the programme.