District Effort on Combating Youth Drug Abuse
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Tuen Mun District Social Welfare Office (TMDSWO), in collaboration with Tuen Mun District Fight Crime Committee, Wofoo Social Enterprises, Home Affairs Department (HAD) Tuen Mun District Office, Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) Tuen Mun Police District, Lingnan University and local NGOs, had launched the “No Drug No Regret!” project in 2009-11 to promote the healthy development of youth and prevent youth drug abuse. With the support and assistance from social workers, teaching staff, police officers and district councilors, over 200 Anti-drug Ambassadors from all walks of life had paid concern visits to 3 800 households in all 12 public housing estates in the district for promoting anti-drug messages. Subsidies were also allocated to youth Anti-drug Ambassadors who took the initiative to launch programmes/activities on promoting drug-free life in their schools. A series of seminars on the adverse effects of drug abuse were organised for youth, parents and community stakeholders, to enhance their understanding and awareness of the subject. The project successfully conveyed the messages of healthy youth development and prevention of youth drug abuse in the community.
District Work on Promoting Family Harmony
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To echo the central theme of “Love Yourself, Love Your Family”, the TMDSWO implemented the “Good Family College” from October 2010 onwards. The project represented the collaborative efforts of three departmental Integrated Family Service Centres and participating non-governmental organisation (NGO) service units in Tuen Mun District to strengthen family support services for local families. Among others, a series of thematic activities on promoting “positive thinking” and “strengthening family functioning” were launched in 2010-11, with a view to extending community network to support needy families and vulnerable groups, nurturing and enhancing family harmony and community integration. The activities, in forms of parenting talks, family outings, supportive groups, social groups and therapeutic groups for families, received very encouraging comments in the district.
Promoting Community Integration
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In order to facilitate the new arrivals and ethnic minorities to integrate in the community, the Tuen Mun District Coordinating Committee on Family and Child Welfare, together with community partners including HKPF, HAD, NGOs and church bodies, organised a series of community education projects and activities for promotion of social inclusion, mutual caring and concern in the community in 2009-11. The programmes such as “Knowing the Legal System in Hong Kong”, “Talk on Food and Nutrition”, “Sharing Light” and “Community Integration Project - A Happy Encounter” offered opportunities for the new arrivals and the ethnic minorities to show their talents, build up their sense of belongings and support network and develop a better understanding of the cultural differences among different groups in the community. |