Establish and Consolidate Community Network
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The Wong Tai Sin and Sai Kung District Social Welfare Office (WTS/SKDSWO) coordinated with different organisations in the district to implement public education activities over the past two years with a view to strengthening the role of the family and echoing the messages of harmony in the family and community. “Caring Home Together – Community as our Family Project 2009” in Wong Tai Sin district and “Peace Begins at Home Project” in Sai Kung district were launched to enhance the resilience of the community. Echoing the Department’s “Publicity Campaign on Strengthening Families and Combating Violence”, the WTS/SKDSWO mobilised organisations in the district to implement activities to bring out the messages of treasuring one’s life and family. Alongside the Government’s anti-drug campaign, WTS/SKDSWO supported “Fresh Express” in Wong Tai Sin district and “Healthy Living Plus” in Sai Kung district, series of cross-sectoral, cross-professional and cross-departmental programmes were launched to enhance youth’s understanding on drugs and heighten their awareness on the prevention of drug abuse.
Promote Mental Wellness and Integration
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To further promote positive psychology and happy living, the WTS/SKDSWO supported the “Happy Living Campaign 2010”, a programme implemented under the collaborative efforts of different organisations in the district. The WTS/SKDSWO also coordinated elderly service units in the district to put forth the two initiatives of “Pilot Neighbourhood Active Ageing Project – Caring for Elders” and “Pilot Neighbourhood Active Ageing Project – Prevention of Elderly Suicide”. Upon revamping of community mental health support services in October 2010, Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness were established to provide one-stop community support and social rehabilitation services for the residents, discharged mental patients, persons with suspected mental health problems and their families/carers. Community education activities were also organised in the district to promote the importance of integration of persons with disabilities into the community.