Project on “Neighbourhood Concern for Frail Elders” in Sha Tin
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The District Coordinating Committee on Elderly Services of Sha Tin District Welfare Office (STDSWO) and Community Outreach Service Team (Sha Tin) of Hospital Authority had jointly launched the Project on “Neighbourhood Concern for the Frail Elders”. The project aimed at promoting neighbourhood support, mutual help and care for the frail elders, especially those discharged from hospital to live in the community. Over 400 elder volunteers had been recruited since 2008 to join the “Green Ribbon Elder Ambassadors Team”. The Campaign on “Caring Estates for the Elders” was also launched for promotion of showing respect and care for elders in the community and a total of 48 public housing estates/private estates had given their support to the campaign. After the Green Ribbon Elder Ambassadors received a series of volunteer training, they paid concern visits to the hidden or frail elders and their carers in the community to further promote the spirit of neighbourhood support, mutual help and care.
Promoting “Family Harmony” and Preventing “Domestic Violence”
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STDSWO endeavoured to promote family harmony through cross-sectoral and inter-service collaboration with service units and organisations in the district and organised community service promotion projects, particularly in the new public housing estates. In 2009-10, the Sha Tin District Coordinating Committee on Family and Child Welfare Service (DCCFCW) launched a series of activities, namely “All Things Good in a Harmonious Family”, to enhance mutual concern within families, promote message on “health, happiness and family harmony” and prevent domestic violence. Public education programmes were organised by means of thematic seminar, roving exhibition and mobile service counter. “Family Concern Ambassadors” were mobilised to visit families in need. “Hearty Card Design Competition” was organised and the public was encouraged to deliver the award winning cards to their families for conveying their concern. From 2010-11 onwards, DCCFCW had initiated another series of “Support Family” programme which targeted at promoting the theme of “happy family”. A survey had been conducted to collect views on “components of happy family” from the public. The survey result would be published to promote public awareness of “simple life, wealthy spirit”. The programmes and activities gained the support of at least 30 organisations and attracted over 5 000 participants in the district.
District Work on Prevention of Youth Drug Abuse
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In 2009-11, the STDSWO had coordinated and organised a series of projects for prevention of youth psychotropic substance abuse at district level through cross-sectoral collaboration and other means. The “Sha Tin District - Youth Anti-drug Football Competition” was jointly organised with the District Fight Crime Committee, other government departments, local organisations and youth services units in the district to enhance the awareness of youth towards drug abuse and encourage their participation in healthy activities. Video shooting competition with the theme of “Creating a drug-free school environment” was also organised to promote the messages of anti-drug campaign, in which a film director was invited to provide training for the youth and be the adjudicator of the competition. Besides, the Sha Tin District Coordinating Committee on Youth Services launched projects of different nature such as the “Green Ribbon – Project on Sha Tin Youth Community Ambassador”, “Green Ribbon - Youth Talent Show” and “Green Ribbon – Youth Community Ambassador Award Presentation” to enhance the confidence of the youth and promote positive living with a view to preventing youth drug abuse from various aspects.