APPENDIX IV Membership of Statutory/Advisory/Independent Committees
(as at 31 March 2011) |
8. Lump Sum Grant Steering Committee |
Chairperson |
Mr NIP Tak-kuen, Patrick, JP
Director of Social Welfare |
Non-official Members |
Mr CHAN Bing-woon, SBS, JP |
Prof CHAN Chi-fai, Andrew, SBS, JP |
Dr CHAN Lai-foon, Miranda |
Ms FANG Meng-sang, Christine, BBS, JP |
Mr LAI Wing-hoi, Frederick |
Dr LAM Ching-choi, BBS, JP |
Mrs LEE LAU Chu-lai, Julie, JP |
Mr YANG Chuen-liang, Charles, JP |
Ex-officio Members |
Ms CHAN Ching-yuen, Karyn
Labour and Welfare Bureau |
Mr LAM Ka-tai
Social Welfare Department |
Secretary |
Mr TANG Fei-lit, Philip
Social Welfare Department |