APPENDIX IV Membership of Statutory/Advisory/Independent Committees (as at 31 March 2011)
1. Social Welfare Advisory Committee (Appointed by the Chief Executive)
Chairperson   Prof CHAN Yuk-shee, BBS, JP
Mr CHAN Chung-bun, Bunny, SBS, JP
Ms CHAN Mei-kit, Maggie
Ms CHAN Mei-lan, Anna May, MH, JP
Dr CHAN YUEN Tak-fai, Dorothy, BBS
Mr FONG Man-hung, David, JP
Dr IP Yan-ming, JP
Dr LAM Ching-choi, BBS, JP
Ms LAM Shuk-yee, SBS
Mr LAW Kin-chung, Christopher, JP
Dr LEUNG Wing-tai
Mr MA Kam-wah, Timothy
Mrs MAK TANG Pik-yee, Agnes, MH, JP
Mr MAN Hung-yee, Joseph
Mr SUEN Leung-kwong, Jovy
Ms TAO Chee-ying, Theresa, JP
Dr TSANG Kit-man, Sandra
Mrs TSIEN WONG Bik-kwan, Teresa
Dr WONG Chi-ho, Jimmy, BBS, JP
Mr WONG Chung-mat, Benedict, MH, JP
Mr WONG Yick-kam, Michael
Mr YANG Chuen-liang, Charles, BBS, JP
Secretary for Labour and Welfare or representative
Director of Social Welfare or representative
Secretary   Assistant Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Welfare) 1C