APPENDIX IV Membership of Statutory/Advisory/Independent Committees (as at 31 March 2011)
2. Rehabilitation Advisory Committee (Appointed by the Chief Executive)
Chairperson   Mr HUI Chung-shing, Herman, BBS, MH, JP
Vice-Chairperson   Mr LEE Man-chun, Raymond, BBS, JP
Non-official Members  
Prof CHAN Che-hin, Chetwyn
Miss CHAN Chiu-ling, Ophelia, BBS
Mr CHAN Kam-yuen
Dr CHAN Wing-leung, Timothy
Mr CHEUNG Tak-hai
Dr LAM James Joseph, JP
Dr LEE Shu-wing, Ernest, BBS, JP
Mr LEE Hong-kong, Hansen, MH
Mr LEE Kar-fai, Philip
Mr LEE Yuen-tai
Mr MA Fung-kwok, SBS, JP
Mrs MA LO Kam-wah, Virginia
Mr MOK Kim-wing, MH
Ms NG Fung-ching
Mr NG Sau-kei, Wilfred, SBS, MH, JP
Ms NG Wai-fun
Ms PONG Oi-lan, Scarlett, JP
Ms SO Lai-chun, MH
Prof TANG Siu-wa
Mr TSE Ming-ho, David
Ms WAN Lai-yau, Deborah, BBS, JP
Mr YU Bun
Mrs YUEN CHAN Suk-yee, Helena
Ex-officio Members  
Secretary for Education or representative
Director of Health or representative
Director of Social Welfare or representative
Chief Executive, Hospital Authority or representative
Commissioner for Rehabilitation
Secretary   Assistant Secretary for Labour & Welfare (Rehabilitation)