APPENDIX IV Membership of Statutory/Advisory/Independent Committees (as at 31 March 2011)
24. Hong Kong Paralympians Fund Management Committee
Chairperson   Ms NGAI Man-lin, Malina
Trustee   Mr NIP Tak-kuen, Patrick, JP
Director of Social Welfare
Miss CHAN Lim-chee, Amy
Ms CHAN Tan-lui, Danielle
Prof HA Sau-ching, Amy
Mr TAI Yan-yun, Nelson
Mr WONG Tai-wai, Paul
Prof YAP Keng-hung, Maurice
Dr YEUNG Sai-mo, Simon
Mr YEUNG Tak-wah, Silva, JP
Ms SIU, Margaret
Hong Kong Sports Institute
Mrs TONG, Yolanda
Home Affairs Bureau
Mrs YUEN KWONG Sau-yee, Cecilia
Social Welfare Department
In-attendance   Mr CHENG, Aaron
Social Welfare Department
Secretary   Ms YIP Wai-ling, Olivia
Social Welfare Department