APPENDIX IV Membership of Statutory/Advisory/Independent Committees (as at 31 March 2011)
4. Women’s Commission (Appointed by the Chief Executive)
Chairperson   Ms KAO Ching-chi, Sophia, SBS, JP
Vice-Chairperson   Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare or representative
Ex-officio Members  
Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs or representative
Director of Social Welfare or representative
Non-official Members  
Ms AU Pui-yee, Teresa
Ms AU YEUNG Po-chun
Dr CHEUNG Suk-yee, Polly
Ms FONG Man-ying
Dr GURUNG, Sharmila
Dr HUI Ka-wah, Ronnie, JP
Dr KOONG May-kay, Maggie
Prof LAM Ching-man (from 15 September 2011)
Ms LAM Yuk-chun, MH
Mrs LAU KUN Lai-kuen, Stella, JP
Mrs LAU M, Ayesha
Mr LAW Kin-chung, Christopher, JP
Dr LEAHY, Trisha (from 15 September 2011)
Ms LEE Lai-ching
Mr LEE Luen-fai
Dr LEUNG Lai-ching
Ms WONG Hang-yee, Sandy
Ms WONG Pui-yee, Catherine
Mr WONG Yao-wing, Robert
Ms YUE Mui-ying, Constance
Secretary   Assistant Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Welfare)2A