APPENDIX IV Membership of Statutory/Advisory/Independent Committees (as at 31 March 2011)
13. Advisory Committee on “Opportunities for the Elderly Project”
Chairperson   Prof CHAN Cheung-ming, Alfred, BBS, JP
Dr WONG May-may MH, JP
Mr CHUN Hu-hing, Dexter
Mr LEUNG K. C., Tommy
Dr LEUNG Man-fuk, Edward
Mrs WAN AU Wing-suen
Prof LAM Ching-man
Mr YIP Pang-wai
Mrs YUE LIU Mai-yee, Elaine
Social Welfare Department
Mr NGAN Man-por
Social Welfare Department
In-attendance   Mrs NG MA Kam-han, Kathy
Social Welfare Department
Secretary   Mr NG Kam-leung
Social Welfare Department